Just in case anyone reading this post of Share's is
brainless enough to have been taken in by it (Share
evidently has little respect for the intelligence of
FFLers), allow me to explain a couple of things:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Judy if it's not, as you say below, you with whom I need
> to make it right, then why have you spent the last almost
> 8 months badgering me about it?!

What I've been "badgering" Share about is, of course, to
make it right with Robin.

> I'm actually starting to think that you don't want me and
> Robin to reconcile. In fact you said something to that effect
> just recently to another poster.

Actually I said this just recently *to Share*. Odd that she
would get that wrong, isn't it?

What I said to Share was that I would not recommend to Robin
that he reconcile with her. I would recommend that he stay as
far away from her as possible, even if she were to retract
and apologize for her accusation. That's something she needs
to do just on the general principle of doing the right thing,
not in hopes of a reconciliation. It's too late for that, but
it's never too late to do the right thing.

> As for the records, if you want something expunged from
> them, then I guess you need to speak to Rick and or Alex
> about it.

I don't think anybody here is so metaphorically challenged
as Share seems to think, but just in case: If Share were
to explicitly retract and apologize for her accusation,
that would constitute taking it off the record.

> But again, I actually don't think that's what you really want
> either. No, I think what you really want is an excuse to keep 
> attacking me for some seriously neurotic reason that exists
> only in the depths of your neglected psyche.

Oh, my goodness. I have more than enough excuses to stay on
Share's back indefinitely. Her reprehensible treatment of
Robin is just at the top of my list.

You know what would stop me? If Share retracted her
accusation, apologized to Robin, *and* gave up her phony,
dishonest act on FFL.

(Try it and see, Share. You will feel so much better
once you've made peace with reality and no longer
need to constantly throw up barriers against it.)

> I'm guessing that Robin has not asked you to be his
> spokesperson in this matter.

Share is absolutely right. I have, of course, been
speaking for myself all along.

> In that case, I have nothing further to say to you about
> it,

Share never *has* had anything to say to me about it, so
this doesn't represent any change in her behavior. That's
the problem, you see. She's been doing an intricate dance
(including in the post I'm responding to) in an attempt
to *avoid* addressing the points I've raised about her
dishonesty in this matter.

> Ms. Becoming More Sanctimonious Every Nanosecond!

sanctimony: affected or hypocritical holiness

Share describes herself to a T. Decent human beings see
the exposure of falsehood to be about the discovery of
reality and the promotion of justice.

Sanctimonious human beings project their own hypocrisy
onto those seeking the truth.

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