here the full movie on youtube  for all to watch and scroll down for
"other" similar movie links
The existence of nature is the nature of existence...
"Religion is for people that believe they're going to hell;
Spirituality is for people who've already been there."
"It's nice to be important but, it's far more important to be nice."
...existence has no other characteristic than to exist it just is its
all "one" experiencing, manifesting and expressing itself

Filmmaker Roger Nygard, after examining the lives of Star Trek fans
watch enjoy and weep
and used car salesmen, profiles  and interviews a number of thinkers
both great and ordinary ranging from biologist and author Richard
Dawkins("The God Delusion"), physicist and String Theory creator
Leonard Susskind, and Indian spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to a
born-again Christian wrestler, the director of The Empire Strikes Back,
a pair of self-proclaimed druids, and a pizza cook.

watch enjoy and weep

even  "important" and nice FFL poster [:D]

watch enjoy and weep\

but forget to ask Rick the Archer [:D]   in this documentary .. [;)]

While it will strike some as smug and others as sincere or freewheeling 
funny ,  it certainly has a feel-good tone and playful attitude, both of
which could draw FFL congregants to this pasteurized version of
"What the #$*! Do We Know?"You'll finds a great deal of
absolutism in Nygard's survey of the churchly, the churchless, the
agnostic and the academic  and Nygard who even tries (vainly) to get a
few words with the pope, tends to stick his finger in the  Catholic
Church wounds with considerable joy, and gives Christianity a far more
rigorous going-over than Jainism, Taoism, Islam or Native-American
  Such breath of fresh air the debate between bombastic street preacher
Jed Smock who preaches his confrontational Evangelist beliefs on the
University of Florida campus and Nygard's friend stand-up comedian
Stevie Ray Fromstein.

"If God created Adam and Eve, then where did the races come

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar believes and propagate that happiness is realizing
your true nature.

watch enjoy and weep [:)]

  Others respond that marijuana makes them happy and closeness with other
people while another says that one can have moments of happiness because
life is very difficult—unless you're a total idiot.
This movie seems much like  Enlighten Up, a documentary
watch and enjoy the full movie <>

  in which one man roamed the globe searching for transcendence through
yoga and  it bears some resemblance to the 2009"Oh My God" docu

watch and enjoy the full movie (if you want : weep) <>
what a scene:

"... the nothingness which is at the heart of man is also the
consciousness that he has of himself."

Beauvoir, Simone (1948).
The Ethics of Ambiguity
Translated from the French by Bernard Frechtman.
--- In, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Saw this movie last night:
> The quick juxtaposition between the expression of different viewpoints
> you realize the everyone's viewpoint is just a peephole into a larger
> reality. No one has all the pieces of the puzzle.

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