Here again is one example of what kind of shortsighted 
damage, a 'capitalistic political system' can do.

Capitalism which works so well for the 'economic system' 
works badly for the 'political system'.

Eisenhower foresaw what was going to happen.  These 'Narrow 
vested interests' just can't see the larger wholistic 
picture.  A gun company simply wants to sell more and more 
guns. A pharamceutical company just wants to sell more and 
more medicines. And so on and so forth.

It's quite possible that a 'capitalistic political system' 
could the biggest dogma of the 20th century.

The 'Norwegian model' is the most futuristic model and also 
the most viable model.  The largest political party in 
Norway, ie the people's party, over 90 % percent of its 
income comes from subsidies from the government.

Corruption levels have come down to almost zero in Norway, 
ever since they gave 'political subsidy' to parties. The UN 
list places Norway as the 'best place on earth to live'.

It also enables politicians to focus on real problems rather 
than worry about survival.

---  turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> MILITARY-STYLE assault rifles have many practical applications 
> for the perfectly sane, it has been claimed.
> As America mourns the victims of Sandy Hook, pro-firearm 
> campaigners in the US have warned against tighter controls 
> on so-called 'assault weapons', highlighting the sheer 
> usefulness of semi-automatic artillery.
> Mother-of-three Emma Bradford said: "We have a big yard so 
> when it's time to call the family in for meals I fire a 
> burst of rounds into the air, it's sort of like a 'dinner 
> gong' but with bullets.
> "If my gun weren't semi-auto I'd have to reload between 
> shots – more like a succession of single rounds – which 
> would be ineffective because it could be mistaken for a 
> car backfiring.
> "However I do think America needs to reform its mental 
> health laws. This obviously would not affect sane people 
> like me."
> Texas office worker Tom Logan said: "I use my assault 
> rifle to re-heat coffee. After firing a number of rounds 
> into a wall the barrel gets very hot, and then I hold my 
> mug against it.
> "If you want to take my warm mug away you'll have to pry 
> it from my cold dead hands."
> Huntsman and NRA member Budd Hobbs said: "Normal guns are 
> fine for deer but I'm actually after the Jersey Devil, 
> a sort of bear/bat/wolf hybrid from popular American 
> mythology.
> "When that mythical chimera is charging at me I won't 
> have time to reload. So if they found my bloodstained 
> boots next to some massive three-toed footprints, it'd 
> be those peacenik Democrats to blame.
> "You can't argue with that logic, can you? Especially 
> as I've got an assault weapon."
> - From

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