Michael Jackson:
> for sure TM is not in any way superior to any other
> meditations out there.
Well, for this to be true you would have to try ALL 
meditation techniques. There is some doubt you even 
know TM practice or basic yoga poses. Go figure.


Or, I guess it all depends on how you can define 

Based on my recent visit to Sonoma, almost the entire 
northern half of California meditates using various 
breath awareness techniques or various yoga 

According to the dictionary, meditation means simply 
'to think things over'. If so, then everyone 

There's probably not a person on the planet who 
doesn't pause once or twice a day to take stock of 
their mind contents.

And, we're all transcending - even without a specific 
technique. So, the question is: do you enjoy?

> > Can you think of another product with 
> > no value, as you seem to suggest, that 
> > has been around for fifty years, simply 
> > because of the marketing geniuses behind 
> > it? I can't. Has to provide some value. 

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