The always gripping and dramatic Ravi Chivukula story told in living

--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
> You didn't get my point yeah Doc?
> I meant Share looks up to you, to your platitudes to soothe herself.
> on it below. But yeah so I thought, we both would play the good cop,
> cop routine. I, the bad cop, would fucking sting her with the truth,
> you - the good cop, would soothe her with your platitudes - whaddaya
> Doc?
> Doc - I spent 13 years around Amma's cult. I realized looking back,
> the cult could never soothe me. All Amma had was bhajans, chants
> her, seva, sadhana, satsang, some meditation techniques - apparently
> things you can use to deceive yourself. Intricate platitudes - like
> grace quote below - I got that from FB, one of Amma's quotes. Anyway I
> couldn't numb my pain, my sorrow, my distress - it's not that I didn't
> I tried them all but it was all useless.
> It's like everyone around Amma were very happy with what they had, as
if in
> a fantasy dream land, fucking zombies. They didn't have to do
anything, the
> Guru, Amma said just worship me and it's all good. If you feel down
> remember you don't have enough grace. And I was the only one alive,
> authentic. So the Guru was really doing nothing just giving
> platitudes to keep people in a fantasy. I didn't see any other that
> like me - hey fuck this, this is not working. I had to search for
truth on
> my own, the Guru didn't do a damn thing, though I apparently projected
> for sometime - now I see the foolishness of it.
> Makes sense - Doc?

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