--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> Dear Ann,
> First off, let me remind you again that I use astrological analysis
> personal growth - nothing less, nothing more. It only strengths,
> weaknesses, inclinations, challenges, influences in various domains of
> life. The unique, personal consciousness of the person under
> It does your destiny in a sense, doesn't show free-will, would a good
> for understanding one-self, tuning oneself in meeting reality.
> I have an analysis below. Understand this is what your chart shows.
> might be already aware of many of your challenges, of your
inclinations and
> you certainly may have already overcome or addressed them, especially
> considering how you come across on FFL.
> Of course I might have been completely off the mark - anyway I will
> for your feedback.
> -----------------------------------------
> You are a very self-focused individual, hardworking, reliant,
disciplined -
> you, most likely at a young age were compelled to take responsibility
> to family circumstances. You were either through your or other's
> perceptions counted on to be the elder, regardless of if you were not
> eldest of your siblings or not, you were the major influence, had the
> say in your family.
> You have a powerful need to be nurture and be nurtured. You spend a
lot of
> your effort,energy into creating a secure home for yourself - probably
> stemming from your childhood. Mostly extremely attached to your mother
> not the father, yet there is lot of friction with the mother, with
> feelings. You get involved or get caught up, willingly or unwillingly
> lot of family drama. OTOH your relationship with your father created
> feelings of being un-tethered.
> You can also get caught up in emotional upheavals, melancholy, this
> of burdened by being the go-to person, an obsessive emotional hang-up,
> matters involving death, dying. (All this the sign of Scorpio being
> ascendant with Moon, Saturn and Rahu - yes Rahu and the ascendant lord
> the 4th house).
I am not generally one to feel 'burdened by responsibility although I
have taken on a lot of it in various forms and I did not feel the weight
of the family situation as something for me to solve. However, when it
comes to death and dying just call me Woody Allen. I have been
obsessed/intrigued/conscious of  it for most of my life and I still am.
And there is definitely a wide streak in me that loves the macabre, the
horrific, the strange although I also respect the need to keep all of
that at arm's length as it has power to get into your life where it has
no business. I have witnessed and had experiences of the clear existence
of evil and the great power that it possesses, long before my time with
> The predominant influence of Scorpio makes you exceptionally
intuitive, you
> love to see through, gather the motivations of others. You are totally
> turned off by superficiality, in-authenticity  You have a presence,
> radiate a natural power because of this influence.
I would love to think this was true, and I have to say, at the risk of
sounding prideful, I believe it IS true. This paragraph is a pretty good
summation of some of what I am about. I also hope that I am not a
hypocrite in that I would like to think that I also come across as
authentic and real, for that is how I feel and it is what I value in
> So the way to release the tension from the issues, the burdens of the
> emotional upheaval, over-reliance on self - presented earlier is you
> involved with your home and your spouse - this relaxes you. Being
> with spouse in social circles of higher knowledge, you may have met
> spouse in such a fashion, you value your spouse for his knowledge or
> look up to him as such.
I respect and love my husband because he has a generosity of heart. He
is not a great intellect (although he is very intelligent and this
emerges in the form of a refined aesthetic, an ability to tap into
places where great humour resides and a one-pointed intention to excel
at the things he loves.) but I think what attracted me to him initially
was a very bad boy persona, a spiky kind of spunky personality. This
turned out to be the result of some intense personal pain he was going
through at the time but it sure made for some passion between us
physically and mentally! (His birthday is November 15, 1949 at about
So we did not meet at any lecture on Wittgenstein or TM rounding course
we met at a local TV station where I was working and he was the host of
a local (very local) talk show. Actually, my husband is a bit like my
mother (and they got along famously) in that HE is a huge 'maker' of the
home (he has a lot of woman in him) he is not someone you are going to
sit down and get into any large philosophical discussion with but he is
someone who will drive out at 2am in a blizzard to rescue your cat from
a tree, he is the guy who will spend all day in the pouring rain
finishing a roofing job for you and he is the guy who personally nursed
my dying father after flying to Florida to spend 10 days looking after
him even though my father was not always the most loving to my husband.
(Here is a funny aside; my father always wanted a son but had three
daughters instead. I became the 'son' he never had. I excelled at
sports, was a bit of a tom boy. My husband's mother always wanted a
daughter and had three sons. My husband became the 'daughter'; he was
given a kitchen play set and tea set and used to serve his brothers
pretend meals and tea as a young child. He was also the youngest in the
You have a natural respect for men that present
> higher knowledge - these are attractive qualities for you. Knowledge
> fun, knowledge and fun, pleasure are not contradictory for you. They
> hand in hand. Spouse is an area of fun, knowledge and relaxation
(Venus and
> Jupiter in the 11th house).
My husband has shown me the intelligence of his heart. He has shown me
the intelligence of vulnerability and generosity. Things I only learned
of later in life. I was a hardass as a younger person - judgmental,
unempathetic and a hater of the human race. I always loved nature and
animals and being alone. I favoured men over women. I have changed a
lot. It has been a combination of my getting beat up so badly
emotionally when my sister died and also experiencing what I did during
my time at WTS, especially the devastation at the end of things that
morphed me into a much nicer person, a much wiser person..
> The ideas of a reform, freedom, justice, equality are very important
> you, in a concrete sense - you can be a trouble maker and pulled the
> on where you saw these compromised  People view you as a dynamic and
> enterprising in this aspect (a little tainted by my knowledge of your
> with Robin, but it's there in your chart)
All of this is correct.
> You are a very charming, diplomatic communicator - always seeking
> ground, playing devil's advocate, covering all contingencies and
> possibilities, your opinions always with qualifiers, contingencies.
You may > also be fascinated with visual imagery, symbols, myths -
because of your
> Mercury in the 12th house (Sun & Mercury in the 12th house in Libra)
All of this is right on.
> You yearn, desire to leave your mark as a intuitive, compassionate,
> sensitive, perceptive as your contribution, in the areas of the inner
> search of truth, spirituality.
I am not a consciously seeking person who would frame her life with the
different teachers and teachings she has pursued. I am a freestyler, I
simply live. If I were to want to leave any mark at all in this life it
would be in my desire to leave behind love, the results of having loved
something well enough that it would not have suffered at my hands and
might even have blossomed a little at having known me.
> -----------------------------------------
> That's all I have for now dear Ann, it's just a basic analysis - I
> cover many aspects because there's lot more that can be said. May be
> depending on your feedback I may have more, or I may go back and come
> with something I missed or the other areas that I have completely

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