> > > Barry, you need either to spruce up your game
> > > considerably, or learn to lose gracefully.
> > >
> > So all of this is about "winning" and "losing"
> > in your opinion?
> >
> Well, for you it's about losing, yes. 
Yeah, you loser, brother-puncher! LoL!

> When you don't
> tell the truth, you lose automatically. Nobody even
> has to think about "winning." All it takes for you
> to lose is for somebody else to tell the truth.
> > And *that* is why you're so upset and why you've used up
> > half of your allotted posts for the week in one day?
> You wish I were upset. What's driving you bonkers is
> that you know I'm laughing at you for all the times
> you've fouled up in this discussion.
> > How sad for you.
> Yes, let me run get my tiny violin.
> Thing is, I'm having to clean up several other folks'
> confusion based on all the misstatements you've made.
> (Notice that Barry has had to make his own count of
> my posts past the 20 in the last Post Count. He's
> been keeping track of my count obsessively every week
> for years.)
> > [https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/q71/1010430_4262\
> > 34084150685_1193759337_n.jpg]
> This is a pretty good one, applies perfectly, except
> it isn't about me winning, it's about you losing. Again.

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