On 7/2/13 5:02 PM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
Dear Steve,

I was thinking about the charitable, blessed wonderland of Stevie - you know the one with the toasted raviolis and the crunchy croutons. The one of frivolous, careless, reactive posts, the one where dishonesty, malicious vindictiveness, sadistic obsessiveness and slandering others with psychiatric labels through innuendo is oh so cool, the one where cursing is frowned upon as bad bloodletting.

Of what use is my stupid spiritual awakening, my mystical experiences if I don't get to revel in Stevie's wonderland from time to time. Why so much burden and guilt being accountable to every thought, action, word of mine? I also want to taste the beauty of this world where Xeno is the wisest, Barry the happiest, Share the most beautiful, graceful woman.

What do I do? How do I resolve this pain and suffering as I feel the futility of my spiritual awakening, when I can't just revel in the sheer retardedness that is the emotionally, psychologically stunted wonderland of Stevie?

Aha - say hello to the "Heartland Retard Siddhi" - a product of my brilliance.

I plan to take a month off in developing the "Heartland Retard Siddhi" that will let me turn into a Stevie anytime I so desire. I plan to trek to the top of Mt. Whitney and perform an intense tapas. Everything has been planned, I plan to take the Mt. Whitney trail with plenty of smokes and gum. In the worst case, i.e. if I fail to achieve the Heartland Retard Siddhi, I plan to irritate Lord Indra enough to make him send me the super-hot and sexy Menaka, a la Sage Vishwamitra, to woo me out of my intense tapas.


Wish me luck Steve.


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