Doc, unfortunately my official diagnosis is plain old ordinary Attachment 
Disorder rather than the fancy schmancy spiritual attachment. Though come to 
think of it, I probably have that too!

PS That was funny about Lincoln. FWIW I heard through the grapevine that 
Charlie Lutes said that the national deva lives at the Lincoln Memorial in DC 
because Lincoln preserved the unity of the country and unity is the destiny of 
this continent. That's also allegedly why the Native Americans were conquered, 
because the different tribes could not unify. 

I also recently watched part of The Conspirator about Mary Surrat played by 
Robin Wright who I like and starring James McAvoy as her lawyer who I really 

 From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2013 11:20 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: compassion


--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Yikes, Doc! I did miss that. Actually I misinterpreted it, being totally 
> triggered by my own stuff about that kind of thing. Thanks for pointing it 
> out. My official diagnosis is Attachment Disorder

No biggie, there is a lot of that going around. Perhaps even an epidemic.:-)


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