--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> >
> > Judy to Ann about Share: She ignored a bunch of the 
> > questions I asked her too. Share replies: now who's 
> > being juvenile and an obstinate child? I vote for Judy. 
> > As for Ann, she's returned as her usual arrogant self 
> > declaring who's worthy or her approval.
> Not who's " worthy" just who happens to have it. I neither 
> approve or disapprove of you. Respect is another thing all 
> together though, oh, and believability. 
> Not feeling so charitable and compassionate today, calling 
> me "arrogant" and implying I'm always like that? Tsk, tsk, 
> I'll make sure to keep my hair out of your reach if we ever 
> meet. Or maybe you're one of those 'claw your eyes out' 
> kind of girls.

Ahem. Ann, posting April 3, after being referred to
as a mere "minion-bitch, trying to impress the uber-
bitch" by ragging continually (even then) on Share:

> I resent the implication that I am a minion-bitch 
> here. If I can't be the uber version then I am taking 
> my verbal weaponry and plying my trade elsewhere. I 
> can clearly see I am under appreciated here. I'm used 
> to being the top banana, the big cheese and I refuse 
> to play any sort of second fiddle to anyone. Understood?


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