"piss of"???

Strange guy, you. You have this perverse concept that someone is spiritually 
advanced when they can be cursed at, while remaining dead inside, or at least 
severely depressed. You need help. Any time you or anyone else insults me 
without cause, it feels wrong and I will react.

You have this warped idea that reacting to something like that makes a person 
weak. Just the opposite, Einstein. To react is to stay alive,  to recognize the 
wonder and goodness in the world. To remain in denial and emotional death, as 
you do, is not spiritual. It is ignorance. 

As usual, no extra charge for the truth, not that you'd recognize it if it 
smacked you in the face.:-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for these post Barry - I enjoy them.
> I enjoy writing them. If for no other reason, me rapping
> about enjoying my life while ignoring what they say about 
> me seems to piss of the Frightened Five more than anything 
> else I could do. :-)
> Just look at their response...in numbers, if nothing else.
> Judy's almost out of posts for the week, Ann's not far 
> behind, and I feel safe at guessing that neither of them
> have contributed anything but insults and attempts to get 
> people to argue with them all week. All while trying
> to hide their panic over the fact that fewer and fewer 
> people every week seem to be paying any attention to 
> anything they write. I mean, here it is Thursday morning 
> and I still have 30 posts to play with, and they only 
> have a handful between them. I think that speaks volumes 
> in terms of "who is affecting whom," don't you?  :-)
> Judy and her small band of sycophants seem to *live* for
> this stuff, but increasingly lately the only people 
> they've got to talk to are each other. Almost no one else 
> even bothers to respond. Except Xeno, and he's laughing at
> them the whole time, and Share, who still foolishly
> gives a shit what any of them say about her. 
> I just find it fascinating -- and thus fascinating to
> comment on in my cafe raps from time to time -- that 
> this small band of narcissists don't seem to realize how
> much of themselves they give away by relating their
> *fantasies* here on FFL. Almost ALL of these fantasies
> seem to revolve around how much the words they've posted
> to this tiny, backwater cesspool in cyberspace have
> *affected* and *hurt* someone they don't like. Don't 
> take my word for this, just watch the trends for yourself.
> I find it all kinda sad, but then I'm perverse enough
> to have noticed the trend that the more I *don't* take 
> them seriously, and the more I *don't* respond to them
> directly, the crazier they seem to get and the earlier 
> in each week they "post out." So that inspires me to 
> take them even less seriously than ever.  :-)
> The fallacy in their thinking, as far as I can tell, is
> that they actually seem to believe that people CARE what
> they think of them. That was Robin's biggest failing, 
> too, the guy they're so enamored of. They post tiny 
> insults, and enough of them that they often post out
> mid-week. He used to write these long, boring tomes 
> about the people he didn't like, and *he actually 
> expected the people he was ranting about to read them*,
> and to CARE what he thought of them. 
> THAT is their common failing, and why they can be so
> easily ignored. Their fantasies all revolve around the
> people they gang up on feeling BAD and being *affected*
> by the things they write. If enough people show them
> that nothing they say has any more effect that pissing
> into the wind, maybe in time they'll catch a clue and
> try to find something actually interesting to contribute.
> Maybe. Either that or they'll just keep doing the same
> old thing, writing to the imaginary "audiences" in their
> heads, as opposed to the real-life audience that is 
> largely ignoring them. But how long can that last? How
> long can they perpetuate their fantasies about how much
> they're "affecting" the people they don't like? How long
> can they keep that up? It's not as if someone could do 
> that for almost 20 years without catching a clue, is it?
> Oh. 
> Never mind.  :-)
> > ________________________________
> >  From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 4:29 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Le Cafe des Affiches
> >  
> > Here I am in Yet Another Cafe, this time a new one, in 
> > new 'hood. It caught my eye when I was wandering around
> > last night, as did the fact that it had free Wifi, so I
> > decided to come back tonight and spend some time here
> > at a table in front of it. 
> > 
> > The cafe itself is not terribly crowded, which is a plus
> > for me, but probably a bummer for the owners. I like it
> > because, true to its name, its walls are covered with
> > posters, from all eras of French poster art. I happen
> > to own the originals of some of the copies on their
> > walls, from the late 1800s series "Les Maitres de 
> > l'Affiche" and "L'Estampes Modernes" collections, so
> > for me this is a little like being at home. 
> > 
> > Except for the people passing by, that is. If I sit
> > outside my house in Leiden, I am not nearly as likely
> > to be entertained by a street performer juggling while
> > balancing a large bowl of goldfish on his head. Or by
> > women competing for the obviously coveted Who Can Wear
> > The Shortest Skirt Award. 
> > 
> > Or see hordes of tourists from all parts of the world
> > walking by, gawking at all the shops, restaurants, 
> > and cafes like this one, many adorned with people 
> > sitting at tables like mine, also writing -- either
> > in their paper notebooks, or on tablet computers or
> > laptops. Guess I'm not the only person to gain some
> > inspiration from people-watching. Hey, some people
> > have weirder fascinations. 
> > 
> > Today was a *very* busy day at work, so I haven't
> > checked out FFL since my last post, and haven't 
> > missed it in the least. I didn't even bother to go
> > back and "catch up" tonight when I sat here. What's
> > the point of doing that, after all? The people who
> > talk *about* me are never going to say anything new,
> > and the ones who actually talk *to* me haven't been
> > posting much lately anyway. 
> > 
> > Meanwhile I get to sit here and just watch the crowds,
> > relax after another Deadline Day, and really, really
> > enjoy Paris At Its Best. Warm summer nights like this
> > one are a delight. I get off on just watching everyone
> > out and about, walking by. And if someone interesting 
> > sits at the next tables, I'll probably get off on 
> > chatting with them -- in English if need be, but if 
> > not, I'll stumble through a conversation in one of 
> > my many other not-quite-mastered languages. 
> > 
> > And to think...somewhere out there in FFL Land, there
> > are people who can only get off if they can entice
> > other people into arguing with them.
> > 
> > I somehow think I've got the better deal...
> >

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