> > But the TM technique always insisted one concentrate 
> > (if "concentrate" is the right word) on "hearing" 
> > the subtle sound of the syllable - with no reference 
> > given to where ones vision (perhaps a better 
> > expression is "inner vision") might be centred.
> >
> I'm surprised the TM purists have not taken you to 
> task for suggesting the technique can be improved.
Because this isn't a good description of TM? How can you
improve on something you can't even describe?

There's no 'concentration' involved in TM practice, nor 
is 'hearing' the sound of a syllable, nor 'inner vision'.

These are all Buddhist meditation techniques - not TM.

> Franklin Merrell-Wolff (younger readers will have to look him up on Wikipedia 
> as he's fallen into obscurity in recent years) claimed that he never learned 
> a single meditation practice that he didn't have to "tweak" before he could 
> get the maximum benefits from the practice. I have to confess, I've had the 
> same experience with TM. The effortless repetition (or favouring) of the 
> mantra for sure elicited some dramatic changes in consciousness, including 
> (on rounding courses) experiences of Richard Bucke-style "cosmic 
> consciousness". But the TM technique always insisted one concentrate (if 
> "concentrate" is the right word) on "hearing" the subtle sound of the 
> syllable - with no reference given to where ones vision (perhaps a better 
> expression is "inner vision") might be centred. I've since found that, for 
> me, allowing my "inner vision" awareness to centre on the space immediately 
> in front of my eyes greatly enhances the effects of TM and makes me more
>  centred immediately after a mediation session. (I'm not actually 
> crossed-eyed (!) during my sessions, but presumably the location does suggest 
> the Ajna chakra.) I've heard that other spiritual groups recommend centring 
> ones attention on the Ajna chakra if you're more the "thinking type" - that 
> would describe me - but they also recommend centring attention on the heart 
> chakra if you're more the touchy-feely type. By the way, dire warnings are 
> given (especially by Theosophical-influenced groups) on allowing one's 
> attention to centre on the lower - the root or genital chakras - unless 
> you're sexually "pure" as that can increase one's libido and lead to sexual 
> obsessions - or "sex addiction" as modern parlance has it.
> Now, only being myself your bog-standard meditator, I'm curious if other 
> (more advanced) FFL posters have experienced a similar effect to me. That is, 
> combining mantra favouring with relaxed, inner visual attention centred in 
> front of the eyes has improved your results. And also I'm curious if those of 
> you who took TM-sidha training, or trained as teachers, ever heard Maharishi 
> mention chakras to your inner core of "true believers" . . . 
> By the way, if what I'm saying sounds presumptuous why not give it a try 
> yourself for a few days?

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