--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Seraphita" <s3raphita@...> wrote:
> Blimey! We don't have Food Stamps here in the UK. The closest equivalent
> is welfare support for low-income groups and the unemployed.

Close enough.

 I've been
> the recipient of such largess myself back in the day and regard such
> payments as both morally justified and essential if we're not to have
> repeats of the recent summer riots!
> I'm happy to eat the rich. The state I can't abide is the one that tries
> to tell me that certain opinions are not PC and so not acceptable (by
> the way, give my thanks to the American Right for coming up with that
> useful expression "politically correct"!).

Actually I believe it was the far left (communist, socialist)
that came up with it originally, in the nonironic sense.
Later it became mildly ironic at the hands of the New Left,
and was finally turned into a pejorative by the right.
(That's in the U.S.; not sure about elsewhere).

> The state I can't abide is
> the one that tries to micromanage every aspect of our lives. The state I
> can't abide is the one that behaves like your maiden aunt banning
> smoking in bars, waging the war on drugs, introducing minimum pricing on
> alcohol, . . . That sort of crap.
> Funnily enough, I've never really examined the issue of abortion so
> haven't actually got an opinion on its rights and wrongs but I'd support
> an individual woman's right to choose. She can decide for herself and
> I'll decide for myself.

OK, no argument on either. In this country, those who rail
about the "nanny state" would be likely to oppose both Food
Stamps and abortion; it wouldn't occur to them that
prohibiting abortion could hardly be a more intrusive 
manifestation of nanny-state-ism. (Except for the fact that
the "nannies" in question are mostly male.)

> Regardless, I wouldn't allow myself to be placed on a political
> spectrum. My heroes are all renegades. Some are lefties like Blake,
> Shelley, old Tim Leary and Robert Anton Wilson; some are on the
> individualist right like Aleister Crowley, the Marquis de Sade (really!)
> and Max Stirner.

Perhaps you're more of a Libertarian? Do you have those
in the U.K.?

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > Let's see if we can come a little closer to figuring
> > out where you sit on the U.S.'s right-left spectrum
> > (domestically, at any rate).
> >
> > Do you oppose Food Stamps?
> >
> > Do you oppose abortion?
> >
> > (I realize unqualified Yes or No answers may not work
> > for you, but by all means qualify away; that will help
> > us adjust your location more precisely.)
> >
> >

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