This may have been covered here. Here's what I was told:


Nand Kishore, Girish, and Maharishi's niece Kirti tried to depose King Tony.
Tony said let the Shankaracharya decide. So the 3 aforementioned and Bevan,
their opponent in this tussle, went to the Shankaracharya, who reviewed the
legal documents and heard their arguments. He sided with Bevan and upheld
King Tony. But now there's this rift, and reportedly Girish is refusing to
send more pundits to the US. 


In other news, Mother Divine is starting their own autonomous movement, for
the instruction of "ladies". Not sure of the relationship between that and
the regular movement, or whether the regular movement is happy about it. 


Some internal squabbling going on, for sure.


This is all 2nd hand and probably contains inaccuracies and leaves out a lot
of juicy details.


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