Rick Archer:
> This may have been covered here. Here's what I was
> told:
> Mother Divine is starting their own autonomous
> movement,
Well, I wish someone would just drive over to Mother
Divine and ask them what's going on - it must be all
of a mile over to their house, right? Or, the next
time you see Tony at Revelations, just ask him about

> He sided with Bevan and upheld King Tony. But now
> there's this rift, and  reportedly Girish is
> refusing to send more pundits to the US.
If I have to drive up there to Fairfield to sort this
all out it might be a month or two before I could
leave here. I'm planning a drive up to Deadwood, S.D.
anyway, so I could swing by. 


> Nand Kishore, Girish, and Maharishi's niece Kirti
> tried to depose King Tony. Tony said let the
> Shankaracharya decide. So the 3 aforementioned and
> Bevan, their opponent in this tussle, went to the
> Shankaracharya, who reviewed the legal documents
> and heard their arguments. He sided with Bevan and
> upheld King Tony. But now there's this rift, and
> reportedly Girish is refusing to send more pundits
> to the US.
> In other news, Mother Divine is starting their own
> autonomous movement, for the instruction of
> "ladies". Not sure of the relationship between that
> and the regular movement, or whether the regular
> movement is happy about it.
> Some internal squabbling going on, for sure.
> This is all 2nd hand and probably contains
> inaccuracies and leaves out a lot of juicy details.

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