On 07/26/2013 06:30 AM, emptybill wrote:
> [https://securecdn.disqus.com/uploads/mediaembed/images/563/8202/origina\
> l.jpg]

Bet you can't even properly define Marxism.  There are elements of it 
that are good.  Much of it is just observation of what happens when you 
let capitalism run wild and destroy society.  There has probably never 
been a actual implementation of Marxism.  The Soviet Union failed and 
went Stalinist.  The lesson to be learned from the French Revolution is 
the chopped the heads off of corrupt capitalists but then became corrupt 
socialists and chopped their own heads off.

The kind of "Marxism" if at all that Obama is "shown trying to revive" 
is known at Neo-Liberalism or corporate communism.  Ridley Scott refer 
to the world "Bladerunner" as corporate communism.  It is not a good 
solution either.

The solution is socialism for things that need to be in the commons and 
small business free enterprise for those who want to run their own 
businesses.  Best of both worlds.  Probably a too "enlightened" though 
obvious solution for an ignorant society.

What most people are afraid of is not communism but authoritarianism.

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