--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Buck, I don't see what is ugly headed about wanting humanist chaplains in the 
> military. Til today had not heard the term humanist chaplain before, but it 
> sounds like a very wonderful development to me. Why don't you like it?

Atheism?  Dear Share; it is a plain sophist's guise to deny the divinity in 
human spirituality.  I mean like think of the deniers and haters here on this 
list.  It could be okay if these so-called Humanists were also teaching 
effective meditation along with their watery humanism so that people should 
come to the experience of the Unified Field on their own.  However really as a 
wedge this lower-case humanism though is the place for the David Lynch 
Foundation to come in and help in a material way the spirituality of the whole 
chaplain corps and the military.  Hasten the day the military introduces a 
transcending meditating as an integral part of the basic training for each and 
every young recruit coming through.

  That would be spiritual regeneration in one generation that would make our 
army readily more invincible on good scientific grounds.  But I wouldnt want 
nobody trying to support the spiritul welfare of our men in battle without 
their knowing themselves and teaching the Higher power of the Unified Field.  
Having just a humanist chaplain is spiritual fraud if they don't know the All 
of It by experience as to what they are talking about.  I am with Congress on 
this if it holds the line against this creep of atheism eating away at all our 
spirituality that all are created equal in the Unified Field regardless of 
race, creed, gender, caste etc.  Now that is worth fighting for.  This other 
kind of atheism is spine-less sophistry void of experience.  There are other 
proven solutions to advance within the military.  I would be with John Hagelin 
and David Lynch against such a poor humanism as letting small-minded atheists 
in to the chaplaincy.
Firm as a Rock,
> ________________________________
>  From: Buck 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2013 6:34 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Atheism rears its ugly head again!
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > There has been a recent push for humanist chaplains in the United States 
> > military. Around 13,000 active service members are atheist or agnostic.
> > http://www.npr.org/2013/07/31/207320123/should-military-chaplains-have-to-believe-in-god
> >
> 95
> Try to cross the vast ocean of becoming.
> Every individual wants to be happy in this world and in the next. Even the 
> atheist, who does not believe in the next world, wants to be happy and 
> peaceful here. Believers want peace and happiness in both worlds, but these 
> cannot be obtained merely by wishing. Desire propels one to act; peace and 
> happiness can be obtained only with effort. Therefore when you try to obtain 
> peace and happiness, your efforts should be legitimate. By "legitimate" I 
> mean that which is laid down in the shastras. Some poet said:
> Na p≠tamfi jÅhnav≠ toyamfi
> na g≠tamfi bhagavad ya±aæ 
> na jÅne jÅnak≠ jÅne jÅne
> yamÅhvÅne kimuttaram ||243
> Til now I have not drunk the waters of the GÅÅ"ga, so now I must drink and 
> see what happens. If by drinking the waters of the GÅÅ"ga all my sins are 
> destroyed, then as a result my intellect will be purified; when my intellect 
> is purified, love towards BhagavÅn [The Unified Field] will increase. Such 
> waters of GÅÅ"ga are available here.  Such simplest of the simple means are 
> available here. 
> Contemplating BhagavÅn's [The Unified Field's] love of devotees and singing 
> are ways to praise Him. 
> To kill HiraÅ"yakashyapu,244 BhagavÅn manifested Himself from a pillarâ€"a 
> little like using a cannon to kill an ant. For BhagavÅn, however, it was 
> nothing special. BhagavÅn could have easily changed HiraÅ"yakashyapu's 
> disposition had He wanted. 
> But it was Prahalada's nature that whenever he was thrown into something, he 
> became the same element as that into which he was thrown. So when he was 
> thrown into fire, he became fire. How can fire burn fire? When Prahalada was 
> dunked under water, he became water. But BhagavÅn did all this in order to 
> generate faith in his devotees, to keep them encouraged. To spread his glory 
> He manifested Himself directly in front of Prahalada. Worldly people can say, 
> "Why must BhagavÅn spread his own glory?" But this was all due to his 
> all-encompassing love for his devotees, so that in the future, they would 
> sing his praises about this glorious event, and cross the ocean of becoming. 
> For this reason alone BhagavÅn manifested Himself to Prahalada in the form 
> of the Man-Lion.245 During Draupadi's distress, BhagavÅn actually became her 
> sari. 
> By remembering the Lord, contemplating and singing about Him, the intellect 
> will become purified and faith in BhagavÅn will dawn. The means to know God 
> is to have faith in veda-s and ±astra-s. If you do not have firm faith in 
> veda-s and ±astra-s, then you will not have firm faith in the very existence 
> of the Lord. If you do not have faith in the existence of BhagavÅn, then 
> doubt will remain, and a doubting person cannot thrive in this world or the 
> next.
> If you do not know God, and if you do not have faith in Him, then where will 
> you search for Him? If I want to go to a place called RÅm Nagar, for 
> example, I will search for it on a map and will find it. If I want to stay in 
> Ätma Bhavan,246 the veda-s and ±astra-s are the road map. With their help, 
> you will find God. However, just knowing God is not sufficient, you must 
> experience Him. Experience is essential.
> Solitude is a very good means for finding God. Hence, remain in solitude and 
> become an experienced MahÅtma. Even worldly people can follow thisâ€"not 
> just sannyasi-sâ€"since even MahÅtmas emerge from samsÅra itself. MahÅtmas 
> don't come out of holes in the ground, but from some mother's womb. Today 
> they may be engrossed in sinful activities, but tomorrow they can become the 
> highest of MahÅtmas.
> Once I was chanting the Upani„ads. A Paramahansa came and said, "What? You 
> still worship and recite?" I was very surprised. I told him, "I am more 
> surprised than you, because even though you are retired,247 you are still 
> bustling around offices. I am in a particular station of life, sannyÅsa. You 
> call yourself a Paramahansa, but a Paramahansa is supposed to be beyond all 
> stations of life. Keeping track of who is philandering in samsÅra and who is 
> carrying out worship is not your business. Your duty is supposed to be always 
> staying in your own Self-nature. I am the principal; 248I carry out worship 
> and other things in order to teach others." 
> The point is that the mind is so dishonest that one can cast off worship with 
> the help of VedÅnta, and not even realize that one has slipped. Good and bad 
> actions always continue to come up according to commenced karma, so spiritual 
> practice must necessarily continue as well.
> As long as commenced karma remains, one has to take up some work or another. 
> Therefore, perform actions only after discriminating their propriety, and 
> always while contemplating BhagavÅn. The ±astra determines the propriety of 
> an activity. This is not decided by some committee.249 Rely on the veda-s and 
> ±astra-s to be your supervisor as you continue to carry out daily affairs. 
> Keep your mind on BhagavÅn. When the end comes, die with Him on your mind. 
> If you fail to do this, you will have failed to do anything â€" despite 
> having been safely seated on the boat, you will have drowned in the river.
> http://lbshriver.wordpress.com/guru-dev-lectures/
> > > 
> > > 108
> > > 
> > > He who turns toward God [The Unified Field] will lack for nothing.
> > > 
> > > All his sorrow and misery will be destroyed. Similarly, by the 
> > > association with saints, all the sins, misery, and poverty will be 
> > > totally eliminated. 
> > > 
> > > Taking recourse to satsaÙga gives rise to discrimination. It awakens one 
> > > to what is proper and improper, meritrious and sinful, dharmik and 
> > > adharmik, and to cognition of one's duty. That is why one who 
> > > participates in satsaÙga is saved from adharma and engages himself in 
> > > right action. Saved from sin, he will carry out meritorious activities. 
> > > Established doctrine decrees, DharmeÅ"a pÅpam anudati, that by 
> > > practicing dharma, sins will be destroyed. Similarly, satsaÙga also 
> > > destroys sin.
> > >   The sorrow and anxiety which naturally scorch the human heart are 
> > > cleansed and pacified by sitting in satsanga and by listening to 
> > > discussions about BhagavÅn. The inner instrument of one who does 
> > > satsaÙga will naturally become peaceful. 
> > >   Through satsaÙga the human being turns towards the omnipotent, 
> > > all-capable BhagavÅn. One who has turned towards The Lord will lack for 
> > > nothing in the world, and all his sorrow and misery will be destroyed. 
> > > Similarly, association with saints will totally eliminate all sins, 
> > > misery, and poverty. 
> > > http://lbshriver.wordpress.com/guru-dev-lectures/
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@> 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Buck is, what is known as in the spiritual industry as, the Spiritual 
> > > > Slut. I have myself in the past talked about Buck's Spiritual Slut 
> > > > Syndrome. He sleeps with any saint that visits his town he can't help 
> > > > it.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > On Jul 31, 2013, at 11:33 AM, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" <anartaxius@> 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > Buck wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > 'Signed, The last conservative meditator on FFL like the Last of the 
> > > > > Mohicans, -Buck'
> > > > > 
> > > > > In evolutionary terms, the last of anything means the next step is 
> > > > > extinction. What is this you wrote about an exemption? Are you on 
> > > > > some kind of probation? What would a parole violation be?
> > > > > 
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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