--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ <no_reply@> 
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > (snip)
> > > > > > What muddled thinking - Because a group that you no
> > > > > > longer associate with, believes in God, you, now, no
> > > > > > longer see as possible, a relationship with God??
> > > > > > How is that critical thinking? It is an immature,
> > > > > > knee-jerk reaction, to social norms, having nothing
> > > > > > to do with a personal spiritual life - merely 
> > > > > > grandstanding. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > It's good critical thinking if you have taken intellectual 
> > > > > steps away from the baby talk of christianity and cast a
> > > > > long sober look at the claims made for the existence of 
> > > > > supernatural creators. It's hard for anyone who has
> > > > > studied genetics, biology and neuro-psychology to believe 
> > > > > anything the religious tell us when there are so many more 
> > > > > convincing explanations on offer.
> > > > 
> > > > Couple of points.
> > > > 
> > > > First, many thoughtful and deeply devout *Christians*
> > > > "have taken intellectual steps away from the baby talk"
> > > > of Christianity. Anyone who thinks Christianity is
> > > > nothing but baby talk is simply ignorant.
> > > 
> > > Sigh. Go on then, explain why Jeesus is the son of some
> > > creator god and sent to save us from sin in a way that might 
> > > convince a sceptic.
> > 
> > Too complicated to do here. No kidding, you have to
> > immerse yourself in it. And first you have to deal
> > with whether God exists.
> > 
> > > > Second, Christian theology has explanations for aspects
> > > > of human experience that genetics, biology, and neuro-
> > > > psychology cannot encompass.
> > > 
> > > Go on then, tell all.
> > >  
> > > > Bottom line, as an atheist you may never find even the
> > > > most sophisticated and rigorous Christian theology
> > > > convincing; but if you actually engage with it, you'll
> > > > need to draw upon your best thinking to intellectually
> > > > justify dismissing it.
> > > 
> > > Not even remotely my best.
> > 
> > How do you know? You've never engaged with it.
> Wow, great retort.

True, though.

> That really told me, I guess there must be a
> god after all if it can't explained here.

I don't believe that follows, actually.

> For anyone who hasn't seen this place without a posting limit,
> this is the sort of anaemic, pointless, unfocussed squitter that 
> you have to put up with. AND I had to click back three pages
> to find it.

Well, my original post was both pointed and focused. It
was only when you came in that it deteriorated.

> See you in a month...

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