--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> [...]
> > 
> > That's the thing that TBs never seem to realize about
> > their dreams of an "Age Of Enlightenment" -- how BORING
> > it would be. 
> Do you really believe that things would be boring if everyone meditated?

Things would be exactly the same if everyone meditated. Look
at this place, look at the TMO. I think the point is that *if*
you got your dreamed of AoE you wouldn't have any of the fun,
rows and scandals that seem such a motiff around here and in
the wider movement.
> I mean, I'd expect fewer crimes and such, but look at the famous people who 
> have been meditating for 40 years: are they boring?

The only one I can think of is Lynch and I would definitely
say his career has been sinking to ever more anodyne lows
as the years go by. The rest of the long termers, Bevan etc,
don't strike me as embodying any values I would have associated
with enlightenment before I actually knew what the score was.

I suspect you have an idea of what the AoE would be like but keep
getting it confused with mundane reality. That's the TMOs bad, it
keeps up the myth of a perfect life for all but has yet to deliver
even a glimpse for us to get excited over, seems like it's all
dogma to me - get the east facing house, eat the right food, pay
for the yagyas, get to the dome twice a day and voila! Or not...

> Creating a situation where you operate at lower stress-levels shouldn't make 
> a lick of difference as to how interesting or uninteresting people find you 
> unless it is the self-destructive impulses due to stress that people are 
> finding interesting. 

This is often the way with music and art. And war has always
been the biggest motivator of industry, do you think we would
have got to the moon without the Rusky threat, no chance. Forget
Mars, and Jeebus, in what way would people spending 4 hours a day
in the dome make them more likely to build huge rockets. It gives
you *less* time to do stuff, the "accomplish more" thing is a joke
isn't it?

> DO you think that the existence of crime and war in the world make the world 
> a more interesting place to live? What if we used those same resources to go 
> to Mars or devise a better educational system, or a better Internet? 
> Wouldn't the world be at least as interesting in that situation?

It would be interesting to live in a fantasy world yes. But I don't
see any great discoveries coming from meditators, unless I missed
something, I think TM - fundamentally - don't do jack shit, you are either a 
great thinker to start with, or you aren't. 

Would Einstein have discovered things quicker if he spent 20x20 in
a trance? We'll never know but we can be sure that if he got brainwashed by the 
reesh he would have made as many wild unprovable and speculative claims about 
physics as certain other "scientists" 
I could mention. 50 years of meditation has failed *utterly* in this regard. 
Hagelin has *not* finished Einstein's work.
> L

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