"The 'mean girls' trying to 'get' you are an embarrassment
to the notion of humans having compassion..."

So if the "mean girls" wanted to stop trying to "get"
Share and exercise compassion toward her instead, we
should strive to emulate Barry, as he has modeled
compassion for us in this SHUT THE FUCK UP post to Share.

Did I get that right, Barry? We "mean girls" are an
embarrassment to the notion of humans having compassion,
whereas you are an exemplar thereof?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> We get it that you don't care how unintelligent you come across, and
> that you're trying to single-handedly prove the contention of anti-TM
> critics that TMers are blissninnies without a brain cell in their thick
> skulls who will believe anything if they're told its Woo Woo enough. But
> do you have to be such a codependent, attention-seeking masochist about
> it?
> Not only have you been making yourself the object of pursuit of your Jr.
> High School-mentality tormentors, you've been doing it *purposefully*.
> For fuck's sake, STOP.
> You're even more boring than they are as they chase you endlessly like a
> dog chases a ball. The "mean girls" trying to "get" you are an
> embarrassment to the notion of humans having compassion, but you're an
> embarrassment to the notion of humans having intelligence.
> They're doing this because they have no choice; they're the dogs in this
> scenario:
> [https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/q71/1002189_1015\
> 1783564220211_2025423059_n.jpg]
> You're doing it because you're not terribly smart, or interesting, and
> you crave attention anyway. And you don't fucking care whether you drag
> a whole forum down to your level of idiocy to get it.

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