Now You See Me is the best film I have seen in a long time - although my 
adopted daughter who is One Direction's biggest fan is chomping at the bit to 
give that a look so I expect I will be soon watching a British Boy Band in 

 From: Bhairitu <>
Sent: Sunday, September 1, 2013 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Russell Brand Blasts Syrian War Disinformation

Well that review will get audiences to the theaters although time is running 
out for a theater view.  Probably the DVD/Bluray release is only a few months 
away.  Sony doesn't waste any time.

Not everyone understands science fiction.  I've written before
      about how few movie reviewers "get" horror and science fiction
      films.  Of course "Elysium" is no Bourne Identity because the
      latter is based off books.  But there are a lot of people bashing
      "Elysium" because they don't like it's message.  The message is
      about now and the 99% vs the 1%.  Elysium is a orbiting community
      where in the future the 1% have moved. Obviously a metaphor of a
      "gated community".  Alex Jones bashed the film as being
      "anti-white" thats because Los Angeles in the future is mostly
      Hispanic.  But geez, California was part of Mexico before it
      became a state.  A Latino ghetto (Damon plays a Latino) sells the
      poverty element better than a "white ghetto" would have.  Neill
      Blomkamp's prior film was "District 9" which was about apartheid. 

On 08/31/2013 10:27 PM, Steve Sundur wrote:

>Do not, I repeat, do not, see this silly film (Elysium) which has a few 
>minutes of an interesting plot at the start but then descends into about an 
>hour and a half of the usual shoot  'em crap.  It was a chore to stay through 
>the whole thing.  If I knew my wife was as bored as I was, I certainly would 
>have suggested we leave.
>Tonight we saw "In a World", which I would recommend. (comedy)  Also, 
>recently, "A Hijacking", another big recommend. (suspense)


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