"more than one punch to the jaw without falling down and crying like a baby"

you have never been in a fight if you believe that 

 From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com" <awoelfleba...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, September 1, 2013 9:49 AM
Subject: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Russell Brand Blasts Syrian War 

I love movies but pretty much any movie that has more than about two bullets 
flying during the hour and a half it's playing loses credibility with me. If 
I'm going to watch something at the theater it will usually involves great 
cinematography that just doesn't cut it on the home TV, no matter how large the 
flat screen. 

Action films which always involve over-stimulated men careening about just 
don't draw or hold my attention - no matter how cut they are. People simply 
don't survive hails of mortar and bullets, falls of anything over 5 ft from 
buildings, more than one punch to the jaw without falling down and crying like 
a baby. So, unless it's a cartoon or The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter I 
prefer my entertainment to hold some resemblance to my world or the world I 
actually want to find out more about. Interestingly, my husband also hates 
"action" movies.

--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote:

Everyone who loved the Bourne movies will of course love to see Matt D runnin' 
and fightin' and shootin' - he always respects their fine level of feeling 
before his blasts them into oblivion, and I bet he admires their pearly white 
teeth after they are dead.

 From: Steve Sundur <steve.sundur@...>
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> 
Sent: Sunday, September 1, 2013 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Russell Brand Blasts Syrian War Disinformation

Do not, I repeat, do not, see this silly film (Elysium) which has a few minutes 
of an interesting plot at the start but then descends into about an hour and a 
half of the usual shoot  'em crap.  It was a chore to stay through the whole 
thing.  If I knew my wife was as bored as I was, I certainly would have 
suggested we leave.
Tonight we saw "In a World", which I would recommend. (comedy)  Also, recently, 
"A Hijacking", another big recommend. (suspense)

From: "s3raphita@..." <s3raphita@...>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 10:32 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Russell Brand Blasts Syrian War Disinformation
 Re "Jones' rants get funny though.": I'm in favour of funny.

 Re "Elysium was a racist film": I haven't seen it yet, Basic plot appeals 

Re "Another is that Brave New World was an instruction manual.  He actually 
plays a clip of Huxley and fails to realize Huxley was warning of the dangers 
of a technocracy not endorsing  the idea.": One of my all-time favourite books. 
Be aware though that initially Huxley set out to write a satire of  the dangers 
of technology but as he became engrossed in his creation he was also attracted 
by the appeal of the 24/7 hedonistic lifestyle he portrayed. That ambiguity is 
a major part of what make the book so tantalising. What a true work of prophecy 
that novel turned out to be. I've never been able to decide if the society 
portrayed in Brave New World is a paradise that I would have been truly happy 
in, or, on the contrary, would have been a soul-destroying nightmare. Whichever 
side you come down on you must admit that in the western world we are moving 
ever closer to Huxley's vision. 

--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote:
Jones rants get funny though.  There are definitely some things I don't agree 
with him on. One of them is that "Elysium" was a racist film.  Another is that 
"Brave New World" was an instruction manual.  He actually plays a clip of 
Huxley and fails to realize Huxley was warning of the dangers of a technocracy 
not endorsing  the idea.  Huxley made it clear in "Brave New World Revisited".  
I pop in on his forum and make some corrections but I'm certainly not the only 
one there doing that.  Now that they've switched to Disqus (which I call 
Disgust) I sometimes comment on their stories.  You do get why I posted Brand's 
interview here don't you?  The old format wasn't very easy to navigate on an 
mobile device.  It's easier to write a mobile interface and extend it to a 
desktop usually through the use style sheets.  There are some kinks in the Neo 
design however.  On 08/31/2013 06:14 PM, s3raphita@... wrote: 
>Having quite pronounced libertarian tendencies myself, I'm sure I'd sympathise 
>with a lot of what Alex Jones says. And I have a soft spot for far-out views - 
>even if they are wrong they are usually entertaining and can give food for 
>thought. The problem for me is that I like people to be calm and collected and 
>make a reasoned case; Jones is too much of a ranter for my tastes. I see there 
>are a lot of clips on YouTube of Alex Jones's presentations so I'll sample a 
>few and see if that changes my mind.
>Like you, I like stirring it: Cartoons of Mohammed? Bring it on! Richard 
>Dawkins rolling up his sleeves and taking on the Creationists? Love it!
>PS: can I add my voice to those who are complaining about the new Yahoo Groups 
>format. It just doesn't look as inviting as the old format. If it ain't broke, 
>don't fix it.
>--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote: 
>And that host introduces him as a "shock jock".  Perhaps you are unclear of 
>the meaning "shock jock?"  Alex's show is very thought provoking and 
>entertaining.  Sure he may be "anti-abortion" and go on "pro Jesus" rants 
>while other times he would fit in just fine discussing consciousness here on 
>FFL.  Politically he is all over the board.  He supported our California 
>proposition to label GMOs.  He is anti-war unlike many of our "conservatives" 
>here.  He also hosts folks like Ed Asner and Richard Belzer both of whom are 
>liberal.  Personally, I'm glad he stirs things up.  I first started listening 
>to his shows via podcast after an apperance on Coast2Coast over ten years ago. 
> That appearance was about his expose on Bohemian Grove.  The US establishment 
>needs a lot of "pies" thrown in their faces.     On 08/31/2013 09:14 AM, 
>s3raphita@... wrote: 
>>He's a motormouth. See:
>>--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote: 
>>Have you ever listened to one of his shows or are you "reviewing a movie 
>>without having seen it?" :-D  On 08/31/2013 08:38 AM, s3raphita@... wrote: 
>>>His host, Alex Jones, is a prize idiot though. He was ranting on UK TV a 
>>>short while ago and didn't make a favourable impression. I see he's one of 
>>>those nut jobs who has accused the U.S. government of being involved in the 
>>>Oklahoma City bombing and the September 11 attacks. And he believes NASA 
>>>filmed fake Moon landings and has covered up the deaths of thousands of 
>>>--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote: 
>>>See, even Russell isn't buying the shit out of the WH.


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