Oh wow, have a look at this.  What is the image that comes to mind?  Someone 
emerging from the shadows, shaking a bony finger, "BEWARE, BEWARE, this woman 
Glad to see that Ann is treating you like a real adult here s3rapitha.  
Evidently Ann believes Share is capable of casting a spell on people, and  so 
must be appropriately warned.  What a head shaker.
My advice, "Do what thou wilt, is the whole of the law"

 From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com" 
You'll figure it out sooner rather than later, especially if you are female as 
I suspect you are. And you're smart so it won't take long. It may seem strange 
and unwarranted but you'd have to do some research over the last year to really 
'get' it. 'Nuff said.
---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote:
turq, basically you're saying that you don't enjoy my posts and therefore I 
should stop posting so much! It's lunacy! If I were standing there with a gun 
to your head, yes, you'd have a point. Otherwise I don't see how you are being 
subjected to, forced, dominated by anyone to do wading or anything else with 
regards to the FFL posts. I just don't get it. Also I don't know who the 5th 
person is!


 From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Sat 28-Sep-13 00:15:03 UTC
Followup. Since I made this post, the same 5 people whom I characterized as 
having nothing interesting to say and as being so out of control that they  
flood the forum with their garbage have followed up on my *single* post with a 
total of *fifteen* posts.  In not one of them did any of them offer to cut down 
on their inane post-flooding. In fact, they attempted to "shoot the messenger" 
and avoid any responsibility for their own actions. I'd say that they made my 
point about trying to "dominate" the forum for me.  The bottom line on this is 
clear -- these five posters "contributed" only slightly less that HALF THE 
TOTAL POSTS MADE LAST WEEK. And they'll do it again this week, and the next, 
and the week after that. And they  don't think there's a problem with that, or 
with forcing other people to wade through their crap.  I'm simply making the 
point that the phenomenon of  "people leaving FFL" is **NOT** due to Neo, but 
to a  few people who simply cannot
 control their motormouths, and who feel they have the "right" to subject other 
people to post after post after post after post after post...whatever they want 
to post, whenever they want to post it.   I'll stop talking about this now, 
because unlike them *I* can control myself.   
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > And lastly, as long as one is free to scroll past 
>>> > potentially offensive posts, how can domination 
>>> > occur in any significant way?
>>> Turq's Monday Morning Free Clue To The Clueless
>>> You think "free to." Others here think "have to."
>>> It's a matter of signal-to-noise ratios. Taking last
>>> Friday's Post Count as an example, there are more 
>>> than a few on the forum who would categorize 421 
>>> of the total 852 posts (49.4%) as noise. 
>>> That is, long experience has taught these people 
>>> that there is nothing to be gained from reading 
>>> any of these posts. Fortunately, as you say, we are 
>>> "free to" disregard them by scrolling past them.
>>> But this means that in any given week we "have to" 
>>> scroll past easily half of all posts on the forum. 
>>> There comes a time when the desire for the occasional 
>>> gem of intelligence (signal) simply isn't worth it 
>>> any more because of the sheer bulk of the other posts 
>>> (noise). 
>>> Especially because the noise-posters don't seem to 
>>> be able (or willing) to control themselves. When 
>>> it's not invective and trolling, it's inanity such 
>>> as was described so well by s3raphita earlier:
>>> > And bear in mind that a lot of the messages are 
>>> > simple thumbs up or thumbs down feedback, such as . . . 
>>> > "Outstanding post!"
>>> > "Ha-ha!"
>>> > "Thanks for that link"
>>> > "Did you forget to take your medics today?"
>>> > "You sir are a complete prat"
>>> > "YAWN . . . "
>>> Bottom line is that you're going to start seeing a 
>>> LOT of people bailing from FFL. 
>>> And it WON'T be because of Neo.
>>> That, dear lady, is domination.

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