LOL, Richard, you do have a way of summing up that tickles my funny bone.

 From: Richard J. Williams <>
To: Richard J. Williams <> 
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2013 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Charlie Lutes and David Lynch

Now this is funny - a guy obsessed with the comings and goings of his 'Marshy', 
thirty or more years after he got kicked off the program; a guy that posts 
messages to a spiritual discussion group on Yahoo about his guru, who he never 
met. A guy that makes claims to being the guru's baker on staff at a religious 
school; a guy that took zero courses at the university in over two years; 
talking about Robin Carlsen and Charles Lutes, both of whom he never met; in a 
message about a film maker whose works he doesn't even understand. This is a 

When I need some spiritual help, or a film review, this is the guy
      I'll be consulting, fer sure. LoL!

On 10/4/2013 7:13 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

>I'll have to ask him - also as to place - I think it was in Iowa City but it 
>may have been elsewhere - my friend was a real Charlie Lutes fan, he liked all 
>the esoteric stuff Charlie yapped about, he also was real curious about Robin, 
>but after he attended a meeting he got grilled by the MIU bruisers and steered 
>clear - I think it was a surprise that RC showed up at Charlie's lecture - but 
>I'll find out.
> From: "" <>
>Sent: Friday, October 4, 2013 12:20 AM
>Subject: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Charlie Lutes and David Lynch
>---In, <> wrote:
>I forgot to mention my buddy was at a Charlie Lutes lecture, in Iowa City I 
>think when Robin C and his supporters came in to sort of get in Lute's face - 
>he said it was a surreal experience - I have encouraged him to write about it 
>but he hasn't gotten around to it yet.
>I never heard about that one. What year was that? I wouldn't have been 
>involved yet because I would have remembered it. I missed nothing between Jan. 
>1983 and August 1986.
> From: "s3raphita@..." <s3raphita@...>
>Sent: Thursday, October 3, 2013 10:10 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Charlie Lutes and David Lynch
>When I first watched Mulholland Drive I enjoyed the whole surreal, glossy 
>surface but couldn't make head or tail of what the movie was about (ditto Lost 
>Highway, etc. ). It was after the film came out that Lynch first revealed to 
>the world that he was a regular practitioner of TM. And when I say regular, I 
>mean he claims never to have missed a single session since he learned the 
>technique back in the early 1970s. That sounds scarily obsessive to me. I 
>mean, never to miss one, single, solitary session over a period of forty 
>years! How can you be so completely in control of what's happening in your 
>life to achieve that 100 per cent score? (Do we know if Lynch ever took the 
>sidhi supplement?)
>Anyway, when I heard about Lynch's involvement in TM I immediately rented the 
>DVD of Mulholland Drive to take a second look. Was the film an esoteric, 
>symbolist art work on the importance of contacting the source of creative 
>intelligence? I was wondering if I now had the key to unlock its arcane 
>secrets? No - I didn't! I actually found myself *more* bemused by the film 
>than I did on that first viewing. It's still a great movie of course: turn off 
>your mind, relax and float downstream . . . and just enjoy the experience.
>---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote:
>Oh so funny, so funny - I just got off the phone with an old friend who was at 
>MIU as staff and student for a number of years - he was a big Charlie Lutes 
>fan and also saw Robin C a few times - he told me he was at MIU when Blue 
>Velvet came out, the honchos at the Capital of the A of E there in Fairfield 
>told everyone not to see the movie, but Charlie said in some lectures my 
>friend went to that he (Charlie) saw it twice to try to figure it out.
>My buddy also thinks he saw the influence of Charlie Lutes in some of the 
>aspects of Twin Peaks - such as secret societies and so forth. I thought it 
>was funny.

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