You ain't seen nothing kid. Where I was born and brought up was voted the worst 
town in Britain! (Middlesbrough in the north-east of England.) Funny thing is, 
I don't resent the place and have quite fond memories of the people (friendly 
and bullshit-free), but I can't see me ever leaving London for anywhere except 
maybe New York, Berlin, Paris, Tokyo, . . . some metropolis. Perhaps I've just 
been corrupted.


---In, <punditster@...> wrote:

 Being a military brat, I've lived in some great places, and some places that 
sucked. One time I got stuck for a year in Valdosta, Georgia; another time I 
got stuck up in Lubbock, Texas.


 So, when we recently visited this place it reminded me of one of the towns 
I've lived in that sucked - back when I was seventeen. In this town there is a 
store called Dan's and a cafe called Pancho's. Go figure.

 When Rita and I were at Pancho's last weekend, we saw four guys sitting at a 
table, three dressed in plaid shirts, one wearing a cowboy hat, eating Tex-mex 
food and drinking beer from bottles. Now that's classy!

 Can't even get a date on Saturday night! That's because in places that suck, 
there are no unmarried women to date, and if there were, there's no place to 
go. LoL!



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