Too?! Oh, ok, Judy, sorry to hear you're feeling poorly this morning. I guess 
that's why you did that bit of Inadvertent Irony about butting in.

On Sunday, October 13, 2013 9:46 AM, "" 
<> wrote:
Wow, Share is feeling pretty poorly this morning too.

Share wrote:

> Richard to Judy on Oct 2:Does every message posted to this discussion group 
> have to turn
> into an argument with you? Are you the new FFL moderator?
> Is it alright with you Judy, if I have a one minute conversation
      with Share - just one minute- 
> without you butting in to start another fight.

Barry wrote:


> Ahem. 
>>> Barry has not mentioned or interacted with either
>>> of these bitches in quite some time, certainly not
>>> during the last week. Thus this attempt to "get" 
>>> him and revive their long-held grudges against him
>>> is completely gratuitous and out of the blue. 
Hey, doofus, nobody was talking to you. End of story.

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