And that's the truth.

---In, <> wrote:

 Buck wrote:
 > Dear Turq; to give credit where credit is due, actually Centering Prayer
 > was drawn from the range of Christian and Eastern mystics but to be
 > more honest and accurate was distilled from Transcendental Meditation
 > in the 1970's by the three monks and their brethren at St. Joseph's
 > Abbey in Spencer Massachusetts.
 > I know, I was there and watched them rip Transcendental Meditation [TM]
 > off for their own purposes.
 > -Buck in the Dome 
 I'll confirm that the assumption among TMers that these three clerics' version
 of Centering Prayer was based on TM was current back in the late 1970s. It
 isn't something Buck made up. Photocopies of the chapter entitled "TM and
 Centering Prayer" from Pennington's 1977 book "Daily We Touch Him" were
 routinely passed around among TMers.
 Moreover, if Barry had any curiosity at all, or any desire to get his facts 
 he would have checked out the PDF that Xeno uploaded. It would be extremely
 difficult for anyone familiar with TM instruction to read those two pages on 
 to do Centering Prayer and claim that it had "nothing to do with TM." It's
 obvious that the clerics did indeed "rip off" the instructions for TM, just as 
 says above.
 The mechanics of the techniques are virtually identical. The only two 
 differences are (1) that TM uses a teacher-assigned Sanskrit mantra, whereas
 Centering Prayer uses a self-chosen "sacred word" from the Christian tradition;
 and (2) that the explicit context of Centering Prayer is Christian, whereas 
TM's is
 either secular, religious/nondenominational, or Hindu, depending on one's
 --The Corrector
 Barry wrote:
 > > I think we all know that The Corrector will probably rip Buck a new 
 > > asshole for
 > > running this tired and intentionally misleading routine again, but just on 
 > > the off
 > > chance that she doesn't, I will. The bolded section in brackets above comes
 > > only from Buck's fevered imagination. Anyone who reads the rest of the
 > > descriptions on that page knows that it has nothing to do with TM. 
 > > 
 > > Buck's as bad as Willytex at making shit up and presenting it as fact.  

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