Oh the Satsanga of old of the [Christian] West, Like the so called mystic and 
“separatist” groups of so much history in the European West.
 There was home [isolated] on the range and now there is Om on the satsanga of 
the Christian West.
 Empty writes:
 This Rock Catholic Evangelical magazine (now called Catholic Answers) has 
repeatedly condemned the entry of "Hindu TM" along with Buddhist Vipassana into 
Catholic practice. They consider it all to be the devious subterfuge of the 
"Evil One" working to overthrow the "pure teachings" of Roman Catholicism.
 Empty continues: I agree with their premise. TM and its Vedic roots are in 
contradiction to the Sin-Guilt-Redemption miasma of Roman Catholic and 
Protestant Christianity. These Western Christian lineages are an Augustinian 
deviation from original Christianity - which only still exists (to some extent) 
in the Eastern Orthodox church. 

However, the Eastern Orthodox teachings and contemplative practices are solely 
Christo-centric and have no place (nor need any) for TM practice or theories.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

 Like in Fairfield it [satsang] starts as small living room satsanga or 
meetings in home or in the public community meeting rooms with a teacher, 
mystic or visiting saint. Friends in meetings. Occasionally it goes straight to 
a big space like Adyashanti coming to the Fairfield convention center once. But 
Satsanga certainly lives and thrives in an old fashion too under the radar 
where necessary in meditating Fairfield, just like in history. It's part of the 

 Interesting that so many of these spiritual groups that developed historically 
had commonly started out around a mystic in meetings held in people's living 
rooms then going on towards facilitating around that in to organizations and 
becoming a history. In Europe they would have living room meetings [satsanga?] 
and then grow in to facilitating groups while defending themselves against the 
persecutions that would come from the established local orthodoxy, be that the 
Lutherans, Papists, or Anglicans of their day.  Then, eventually fleeing to 
  Thanks. Yes, the world could use a lot more piety. FFL could too.
 -Buck the Pious

 Nicely put. It reminds me of something I wanted to say about awoelflebater's 
post on another thread ("power naps"): "Now, these long-term, incessant 
meditators obviously have absolutely nothing else pressing in their lives to 
compel them to want to stand up and open their eyes.": 
 We understand what you're saying but it is a common belief in all 
contemplative traditions that communities joined together practising silent 
prayer (eg, monks and nuns) have a beneficial effect on the world even though 
to practical, common-sense types they seem to be a waste of space. Indeed, even 
the very recollection that there are men and women who forsake the feverish 
ambitions of the mass of people induces a feeling of calm!


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:

  [Pietist, belief in the power of individual meditation [Quietism] on the 
divine [Unified Field] – a direct, individual approach to the ultimate 
spiritual reality of the [Unified Field] – ] 

  TM and Quietist Pietistic [meditating] Fairfield, Iowa
 in companion as with other historic places like
 for instance on the Registry of National Historic Places, organized here A to 

  Other Meissner Effect [ME] group meditators...

  Amana Colonies
 Long Meissner Effect group meditations every day.

 Brook Farm

  Pleasant Hill,
 Half hour silent meditation twice a day and daily group Meissner Effect [ME] 
 http://www.shakervillageky.org/ http://www.shakervillageky.org/ 

  Whittier, Iowa Hicksite Quakers,
 National Registry of Historic Places; 
 Settlement era 
 Iowa Meissner Effect [ME] Group Meditation:


  [Pietist, belief in the power of individual meditation [Quietism] on the 
divine [Unified Field] – a direct, individual approach to the ultimate 
spiritual reality of the [Unified Field] – ]

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:

 In a coming future, meditating Fairfield, Iowa very likely shall also come to 
be on the National Registry of Historic Places along with other important 
spiritual practice communities of American and Western history. 

 Going forward meditating Fairfield, Iowa is blazing still its contemporary and 
revolutionary commentary on 21st Century materialism and spiritual and 
religious American community. Jai Brahmananda Saraswati!
 -Buck, in the Dome 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  Yes, meditating Fairfield as a spiritual practice community was never 
conceived an amusement park. Even right now it is a living artifact of 20th 
Century American spiritual experience and community.


 Feste37 makes a very important distinction here. Fairfield clearly is even now 
a historic American pietist spiritual practice community rooted in the 
practices of Quietism. 

 Feste37 writes, “Fairfield is not a theme park, dummy.” 
 Fairfield is not a theme park, dummy.  


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:





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