Xeno, is it even possible to enslave out of pure Love? I believe that it is and 
that it is one of the great paradoxes of life. Like the way a parent will set 
strong boundaries to protect their child. Like that, God, or we can call it 
Life, wants to give us all of itself. It will put us through hell in order to 
do this. But that is an expression of its great love for us. When we see this 
and stop fighting the river, then the journey of non ending coupling of us and 
Life is smoother if not ecstatic.

On Sunday, October 20, 2013 11:37 AM, "anartax...@yahoo.com" 
<anartax...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Share wrote:
'OTOH maybe God does want to enslave us, but only out of pure Love.'

Were I this god, I would love this; you have succumbed to the propaganda of a 

Thomas Jefferson, an admirer of Jesus but not of much else in the Christian 
Bible wrote of this god of the Torah (as the Christians inherited the 
scriptures of the Jews) in rather disparaging terms:
'There are, I acknowledge, passages not free from objection, which we may, with 
probability, ascribe to Jesus himself; but claiming indulgence from the 
circumstances under which he acted. His object was the reformation of some 
articles in the religion of the Jews, as taught by Moses. That sect had 
presented forthe object of their worship, a being of terrific* character, 
cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust. Jesus, taking for his type the best 
qualities of the human head and heart, wisdom, justice, goodness, and adding to 
them power, ascribed all of these, but in infinite perfection, to the Supreme 
Being, and formed him really worthy of their adoration. Moses had either not 
believed in a future state of existence, or had not thought it essential to be 
explicitly taught to his people. Jesus inculcated that doctrine with emphasis 
and precision. Moses had bound the Jews to many idle ceremonies, mummeries and 
observances, of no effect towards producing
 the social utilities which constitute the essence of virtue; Jesus exposed 
their futility and insignificance.'
*meaning terror-ific - 'terrifying' in more modern language

This passage (from which the part I bolded is often quoted out of context or 
modified) is from a letter Jefferson wrote to one William Short in 1820.

( http://www.stephenjaygould.org/ctrl/jefferson_jesus.html )

One might accuse Jefferson of racism on the basis of the content of this letter.

Jefferson was referring to the character of god in the 'Old Testament', the 
Torah etc. which are a part of the Christian scriptures. Jefferson himself made 
a version of the Bible where he cut out all the tyrannical passages and 
mythology including the entire Old Testament, and most of the New. He admired 
Jesus to the extent the character of Jesus can be extracted from these 
writings, but he admired not much else in the Bible.


Can you imagine an American President speaking like this today?

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