---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, the Judester opines:
> Barry wrote: 
> > Thank you, merudanda. Made my day. 
> > 
> > Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to 
 > > create anything in their lives look at the old writer 
> > and see nothing but a poseur. Robert sees holiness. 
> There are old writers and old writers. Only some of them 
 > are holy; the rest are poseurs. 
> It was easier than I thought it would be to get you to put 
 > on a very convincing demonstration of your membership 
 > in the latter category. (Not that anyone on FFL was in doubt.) 

 Because I'm in a jolly mood today, I'll reply to this for the
fun of it. 

Did anyone watch the TED talk I posted a link to recently?


It's really worth your 18 minutes, if you didn't. It is about
memories, and how they can be "edited," both by ourselves,
and by others. 

Isn't that Judy's Whole Act -- trying to "edit memories?"

I just wrote a bunch of shit today because I felt happy and
felt like writing. If any of you enjoyed the posts I made, and
one or more of them lifted your spirits, that's just gravy.

But Judy doesn't want you to remember them as lifting your
spirits. She wants you to remember the way SHE sees them,
as a response to HER, and as worthy only of what SHE gives
them, scorn and derision. 

By now some of you must have figured out the formula. 
- First, pretend to be the "authority" in matters such as this,
whatever "this" may be this time.
- Second, pretend to "know" what the person you're ragging
on was thinking and feeling as they wrote whatever she's
ragging on. 
- Third, pretend that everyone already agrees with you. 

Do this enough times, and science tells us that some of the 
weak-willed ones *will* agree with you. 

 Barry, I enjoyed your post about hope. You did seem much more upbeat and 
positive in the way that seemed to have allowed the less cynical defensive guy 
to show up but one little post by Judy and you're in the dumps again. The 
"dumps" meaning you've allowed her post to put you right back down in that 
well-worn depression in the dirt where you tend to wallow most of the time. But 
I did like your post about hope and I agree with a lot of it. Fred Astaire, 
spontaneous and free art are both examples of the potential for life to 
surprise, enthrall or transport me. 

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