Re "Nobody is irredeemable, according to Christian doctrine.":

 Calvin might not have agreed - "God has predestinated some to salvation, and 
others to destruction".

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Very un-Christian of them. Nobody is irredeemable, according to Christian 

---In, <> wrote:

 Pure evil. Satan. 

From the article:  "How can we measure people's belief in pure evil (BPE) and 
what consequences does such a belief have on our responses to wrong-doers? 
According to this research, one of the central features of BPE is evil's 
perceived immutability. Evil people are born evil – they cannot change. Two 
judgments follow from this perspective: 1) evil people cannot be rehabilitated, 
and 2) the eradication of evil requires only the eradication of all the evil 
people. Following this logic, the researchers tested the hypothesis that there 
would be a relationship between BPE and the desire to aggress towards and 
punish wrong-doers." 


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