LOL. No, has nothing to do with punctuation or spelling. Nothing to do with the 
details of the story, either. Try again. 

Bhairitu wrote:

 You and Dixon must be imagining something or it got screwed up on the web 
site.  The is no gaffe in this line:
 "Judy, the conspiracy theorist."
 If you are talking about the comma then you need a new Strunk and White.
 But if you are talking about the shooting was between two TSA agents that's 
what the news outlets were saying when I posted it.  They later recanted.
 There are no misspellings even though Thunderbird is fucked up and random 
these days about underlining misspellings.  But who really cares about that on 
a message board anyway?
 On 11/02/2013 09:52 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   I'm just going to let you figure that out, Bhairitu. It's not too difficult. 
Mike Dixon got it. 
 Bhairitu wrote:
 > And exactly what gaffe might that be?
 On 11/02/2013 09:17 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   Even when you call a gaffe to Bhairitu's attention, he doesn't see it. 
 Bhairitu wrote:
 > Be careful where you step.  Judy has lost her marbles again.  Must be a sign 
 > of her advancing old age.
 On 11/01/2013 03:13 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   Er, Bhairitu...
 No, never mind, I'll just let this sit here for people to snicker at: 
 Bhairitu bumbled:
 > Judy, the conspiracy theorist.
 On 11/01/2013 12:30 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   Yes, clearly the shooting incident was carefully planned to distract 
attention from the food stamp cuts. 
<> wrote:
 Well the TSA shooting at LAX which was between a couple of TSA agents 
 seems to have knocked off what should have been the lead article on the 
 news: the food stamp cuts that went into effect today (how convenient).
 The war on the poor by the rich ramps up. Time to organize and go 
 after the rich. Let's party like it's Greece and Spain.

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