
 An argument can be made for Pisces as the birth month of Jesus.  Specifically, 
Pisces is a sign owned by Jupiter, the teacher of the gods.  So, by analogy, 
Jesus was born as a teacher in this world during Kali Yuga.

 Also, since Pisces is the 7th house from Virgo, he is associated with a 
virgin, which in this case is Mary, his mother.  Santos Bonacci, another 
astrologer, stated in his presentation that Pisces can be considered as the 
womb since the sign is watery.

 Bill Donohue, in the video clip, further pointed out that Pisces represents 
the disciples of Jesus, who were mostly fishermen, and were tasked to become 
the fishers of men.

 Lastly, Dohohue stated that Pisces represented the miracle that Jesus 
performed when he multiplied the fish and bread to feed the hungry followers 
during the Sermon on the Mount.

 There are many other points, but I'll cut if off here for brevity.


---In, <> wrote:

 John, one theory I've heard is that Jesus was born with Sun in Pisces. Thus 
the fish symbol for Christianity and a bunch of other stuff which I no longer 
remember. I do think Jesus embodied that universal love that can be associated 
with Pisces.

 On Saturday, November 2, 2013 11:51 AM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> 
   Furthermore, Jesus couldn't have been born any later than September anyway, 
or the flocks of sheep wouldn't still have been out in the fields (Luke 2:8,
 "And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping 
watch over their flock by night"). It's pretty well established that by the 4th 
century CE, the presumptive date of Christ's birth had been moved to December 
25 in an attempt to co-opt (or compete with) the Roman solstice festival.
Seraphita wrote:
 > Why was it written that Jesus was born in a manger?

 > Pedant's Corner: it's not written. It says instead "And she brought forth 
 > her firstborn son, and 
 > wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger." Imagine Mary 
 > straddling a 
 > feeding trough to give birth.


---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote:

 Why was it written that Jesus was born in a manger?  Because he was born on 
December 25 which astrologically lies between the signs of Sagittarius, a 
horse, and Capricorn, the goat.  Interesting?  Bill Donohue explains more of 
his observations as follows:;list=PL4HZ228v9duPReHJuT6prrAUc9BzFEo_t





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