Does anyone here know the source of the quote "My indestructible Maya"? On the 
Internet I find just a small collection of websites, FFL principally, 
mentioning the phrase, but no precise source. Since Share quoted it, I assume 
that she is picking it out of her memory rather than from a source text. I 
recall the phrase, but my feeble aging brain, cannot recall where I read or 
otherwise heard it.

 Is this translated phrase from the Vedas (and which one? Rig, etc.), the 
Upanishads, or the Bhagavad-Gita? (in particular the MMY translation of the 

 Whether Maya is real or not, it is certainly present here on FFL.

 I have seen this product in refrigerators of meditators, "Vegenaise", a non 
animal derived product purporting to replace mayonnaise. Maybe itshould be 
called Mayannaise instead, except people would probably confuse it with the 
Mayan civilisation of Central America. But then, confusion is the whole purpose 
of Maya. Gotta love this universe for beating us up this way.

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