emptybill, thanks for taking the time to explain this in more detail. I think 
of space, etc. as simple so couldn't connect that to chaos. But maybe to 
primitive peoples the skies seemed very chaotic with changing weather patterns, 
etc. I like to imagine those moments when the first cave person had a different 
association with a sound like kha. I like to wonder about the journey from hole 
to sky/ether/space to chaos. 

On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 8:49 PM, "emptyb...@yahoo.com" 
<emptyb...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Professor Troll couldn't read so here are some Wiki Holes.

Sukah and Dukha: the good and bad of it (FWIW).

Contemporary scholar Winthrop Sargeant explains the etymological roots of these 
terms as follows:[45] 
The ancient Aryans who brought the Sanskrit language to India were a nomadic, 
horse- and cattle-breeding people who travelled in horse- or 
ox-drawn vehicles. Su and dus are prefixes indicating good or bad. The word 
kha, in later Sanskrit meaning "sky," "ether," or "space," was originally 
the word for "hole," particularly an axle hole of one of the Aryan's 
vehicles. Thus sukha … meant, originally, "having a good axle hole," while 
duhkha meant "having a poor axle hole," leading to discomfort.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote:

So, you don't know any Tibetan - I thought so. 

This has got to be one of the most misleading and silly answers to
      a simple yoga question I've ever read on FFL or a.m.t. You'd
      expect a guy that has spent almost his entire adult life studying
      with gurus and rinpoches to at least know one single word in
      Tibetan. Go figure.

According to the Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon, the term 'dukkha' in
      Sanskrit, Pali and Tibetan is a Buddhist term commonly translated
      as 'suffering', one of the most important concepts in the Buddhist
      tradition. In the Yoga Sutras the term vivek means 'a wise man'. 

"All is suffering for the wise man" (Y.S. 2.15). 

The most ancient sustained expression of yogic ideas is found in
      the early discourses of the historical Buddha, thus Patanjali's 
      conception of freedom is related to the ancient Buddhist view that
      the source of suffering is the craving for permanence in a
      universe of impermanence. 

Both the 'Four Noble Truths' and the 'Eightfold Path' articulated
      in the Buddha's first discourse are elements that underlie the
      yoga system. Two striking examples of this are Patanjali's use of
      the word 'nirodha' in the opening definition of yoga as
      'citta-vrtti-nirodha', that is, 'Yoga is the cessation of the
      turnings of thought' and the statement that "all is suffering,
      dukkha, for the wise man."

According to Stoler-Miller, dukkha, suffering, and nirodha,
      cessation, are crucial terms in Buddhist vocabulary and the
      doctrine of suffering is the core of what Buddhists believe the
      Buddha taught after gaining enlightenment. Patanjali's ashtang
      eight-limbed practice is parallel to the eight-limbed path of

Work cited:

'Yoga: Discipline of Freedom'
by Barbara Stoler-Miller
Acclaimed translator of the Bhagavad Gita.
Bantam Wisdom Editions 1998
p. 5, 52.

On 11/12/2013 8:48 PM, emptybill@... wrote:
>Musta meant axle-rod. 
>---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote:
>>> Dukha is the opposite of sukha. Kha as in Chaos
>>> It literally means a bad (du) axle-hole vs good
                    (su) axle-hole.
Who exactly are you calling an axle-hole? :-)
>> ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@ wrote:
>>> Card, I can see at least 2 ways to interpret
                    this quote. One possible
meaning is that for the person in CC, there is the infinite Self and the
>finite non Self and that duality itself causes misery.
                OR the person in
>CC realizes that all, meaning the world, is a field of
                change, misery
>rather than of permanent bliss.
>>> In another quote, Maharishi translates dukham
                    as danger: avert the
danger which has not arisen. Heyam dukham anagatam.
>>> On Tuesday, November 12, 2013 2:31 AM,
                    "cardemaister@" cardemaister@
>>> According to YS II 15: [blah blah
                    blah...]...duHkham eva sarvam
vivekinaH ... everything (sarvam) [is] only (eva) duHkha for a vivekin.
>>> duHkha 1 mfn. (according to grammarians
                    properly written %{duS-kha}
and said to be from %{dus} and %{kha} [cf. %{su-kha4}] ; but more
>probably a Pra1kritized form for %{duH-stha} q.v.)
                uneasy ,
>uncomfortable , unpleasant , difficult R. Hariv.
                (compar. %{-tara} MBh.
>R.) ; n. (ifc. f. %{A}) uneasiness , pain , sorrow ,
                trouble ,
>difficulty S3Br. xiv ,
>>> Taimni: To the people who have developed
                    discrimination (viveka) all
is misery...
>>> So, is a vivekin at least in CC?
>>> Is the meaning of viveka approximately the same
                    in yoga and

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