OK - Thank you for revealing your lack of experience with GC. Frankly, it 
didn't sound to me, as if you knew what you were talking about, when you first 
brought it up. I am also curious why you think you are "in unity". It sounds 
like your unity has a lot of conditions attached to it, in order to remain 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote:

 The thought popped into my head, and then I put to the keyboard and you read 
it. As basically an atheist, I seemed to have mostly done an end run around GC, 
it had no conceptual material to work with, as GC, as M explained it, derives 
its material from what one's beliefs are in regard to spiritual traditions etc. 
Still this state is described in various ways. For example the philosopher 
Plotinus said nous (pure being) falls in love and is simplified into a happy 

 I remember writing some things long ago that from an emotional point of view 
correspond with what Buck is writing now, but I did not express it in religious 
terms. Benchmarks are guide posts but are not rigid time and place dependent 
markers, and you might experience something of unity even when you are barely 
transcending as a new meditator, or if you are one of those rare individuals 
like Ekhart Tolle or Krishnamurti, you might just slip into unity without any 
preliminaries. Unity throws you off the path, the path dies, you are on your 
own, and there is no way to doubt it, if it is clear enough. By on your own, I 
mean there isn't anything else, even though you can refer to your body as 'me' 
and so forth. Everything that went before is seen through as having been as a 

 Eventually you can look at it any way you like, as wholeness, as unity, as 
duality. Everything that was there before is still there except the 
relationship of thought with experience undergoes a profound shift, their roles 
are reversed so to speak, thought becoming secondary. Those words, duality, 
unity are not what is experienced, they are just ways you try to convey the 
potential of that experience to someone else. You cannot give it to them 
because they have it in spades already. They just do not realise what it can be 
for them so you try to light a fire under them to get them moving in the proper 
direction, which is not a direction at all. Basically you want their mind to 
completely stop, and eventually recognize what the significance of that is. 
There are things people can learn to do that seems to increase the probability 
that this will happen, like meditation.

 Buck has been expressing himself dualistically, so I was rubbing the grain the 
other way. So if you are in unity, and someone smashes an ice cream cone in 
your face, are you going to assume the universe has no parts?

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

 Hi, Your post brought up a few questions for me:

 What gives you the idea that God Consciousness is the *last* stage of 
delusion? What does that even mean, and how would you know? Are you willing to 
share your deluded experiences of GC with me?


 Also, if Buck is the unified field, aren't you looking to him, and therefore, 
looking to it, when addressing him?
 Why can't duality occur within the wholeness of Unity, according to you?


 (rhymes with Spx)




 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote:

 This is redundant Buck. You are the unified field, you cannot look to it. Are 
you by any chance in that last stage of delusion known as GC?

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:

 My spirit looks to the Unified Field alone,
My rock and refuge is Its throne.
In all my fears, in all my straits, 
My soul on Its salvation waits.
Trust It, ye meditators, in all your ways,
Pour out your hearts before Its face;
When helpers fail and foes invade,

 the Unified Field is our all-sufficient aid. 

 Paraphrased excerpt from "Psalm 62" by Isaac Watts:


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