If I eat one more bite of chicken, I think I'm gonna sprout feathers! Mom and I 
went to PF Chang today and she got lettuce wrapped chicken.  Yum, but I'm 
yearning for my quinoa (-:

On Sunday, December 1, 2013 3:13 PM, Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
According to the Weather Channel it's supposed to rain in the Bay Area 
on Tuesday.  AND temps are supposed to be in the high 20s overnight (at 
least around here).  That could lead to snow and funny thing is the 
other night I had a dream about driving in SF in the snow (like Seattle 
gets).  That would be a real mess.  Fortunately the Weather Channel's 
forecasts aren't alway that good.

Much of  the US is getting record low temperatures due to the flow of 
arctic air.  Even in the Bay Area we are getting some low over night 
temps which means that we are getting 4 seasons in one day because it 
can warm up by late morning.  In fact I wore shorts and a t-shirt to the 
waterfront park and skipped putting on a jacket.

In spite of warming up the parking on the street downtown was fairly 
empty as was the farmer's market.  Maybe buying food was the last thing 
on folks mind after the Thursday gorge.

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