empty bill wrote:

 > I addressed Emily rather than you.

 Yes, and...?

> Perhaps you believe you now speak for her and can now answer questions posed 
> to her.

 Did I even remotely suggest such a thing, or did you make it up?

 > However, I am interested in Emily's response. I have faith that she is 
 > capable of responding directly with 
 > some intelligence

 I'm sure she is, and I'll be interested as well. My point, of course, was the 
unkindness with which you demanded an accounting from her, as if she had snuck 
in where she didn't belong and remained under false pretenses. She's as much a 
part of this community as anybody else.


  - unencombered by your personal likes and dislikes. 

BTW ... since she is critiquing posters here, I am interested in the basis of 
her questions and claims.  

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 You know, you guys, it's not as if Emily has never given us an account of why 
she's here. She has done so, in some detail, in her early posts and in 
subsequent updates. That you don't remember or never read them is not something 
for which you can blame her.

 Having learned TM is not a requirement for participation on FFL, BTW. And 
Emily has made very significant contributions here, more so than many of the 
TMers, former or current. Why are you trying to make her feel unwelcome now, 
when she's been here for several years already? That's pretty low, it seems to 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emptybill@...> wrote:

 Yep Bhari2, that has become my question also.

 So Emily, since you never learned TM, why are you here on this forum? 

 Is this your little gossip parlor?

 Maybe instead this is this your prayer hut. So which deity do you pray to 
anyway? Yhvh? Jesus? Christos Pantocrator? Is it a He, a She or an It? Maybe a 


 What caused you to choose a barroom like FFL to wander around in and critique 
the inhabitants?


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote:

 So Emily, tell us why you are on FFL and have no background in TM?  I would 
think you'd feel like a fish out of water.
 On 12/01/2013 12:45 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
   O.K.  Share, let's try one more time.  Re: "What's unfortunate is that Emily 
used to wrote some interesting posts..."
 Share:  What posts of mine did you used to find interesting? 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<sharelong60@...> mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 Jeez! Now Emily has gone bonkers too!
 On Sunday, December 1, 2013 2:33 PM, "emilymaenot@..." mailto:emilymaenot@... 
<emilymaenot@...> mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
   Conversation between Share and Emily:
 Share: "It's raining in Iowa."
 Emily:  "Share, is it raining in Fairfield?"
 Share:  "Emily, I heard it on the news today that it's raining."
 Emily:  "Share, is it raining outside your door?"
 Share: "Emily, the Farmer's Almanac says that it will be raining this winter." 
 Emily:  "Share, I'm asking you if it is raining in Fairfield and specifically 
outside your door."
 Barry:  "Share, Emily is one of Ravi's minions so disregard her, and btw, 
STFU, you are causing all this."
 Emily:  "Share, does it upset you that Barry just told you to STFU?"
 Share:  "Emily, Barry is like a half-brother to me.  Also, Jon Grayweather, 
who is an expert on what women want out of sex, says that having sex in the 
rain is good for pitta types."
 Emily:  "Share, are you a pitta type?"
 Bhairitu:  "Share, have you tried juicing grass?  It's very good for pitta 
 Richard:  "Share, I went to Whole Foods today and bought spinach."
 Share:  "Richard, there is a Whole Foods in Iowa and I will be going next 
 Emily:  "Share, is it raining in Iowa today?
 Share:  "Emily, you are honing in on my conversation with Richard in a mean 
and spiteful way."
 Emily:  "Share, *you* said it was raining in Iowa today, I just wanted to know 
if it was raining in Fairfield and specifically outside your door."  
 Share:  "Emily, you are being repetitive and vicious and critical and negative 
and I am only responding "in-kind".  You are one of Judy's minions and I hate 
her so I hate you too.  I will stand up for myself."
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<sharelong60@...> mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 What's unfortunate is that Emily used to wrote some interesting posts but once 
she got on Judy's bandwagon she's become imo sort of repetitive.
 On Sunday, December 1, 2013 10:22 AM, "anartaxius@..." mailto:anartaxius@... 
<anartaxius@...> mailto:anartaxius@... wrote:
   Authfriend's modus operandi: A falsis principiis proficisci. (Marcus Tullius 

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