Now this is funny. Why in the world would anyone want a job and have a family when they could be posting to Yahoo FFL all day and night? LoL!

You don't want to use your real name because you have children and a job, so you need to maintain your privacy. And, the other gal apparently has no offspring, and uses her professional name in her sig and as her handle, so she can what, drum up more business? Go figure.

On 12/1/2013 9:54 PM, wrote:

Re "People that post here anonymously are not real people.":

Real enough. They pay taxes; have their hearts broken; suffer; rejoice; feel guilty; have children . . .

As I've said before, who wants to post on-line using their real name when anyone (including their enemies) can then Google their name and see what they've been up to; what views they hold; what their interests are; what upsets them, etc. On-line anonymity means you remain free to disclose to others exactly how much or how little you want them to know about you.

Of course, we're living in an age in which people are happy to go on TV and reveal to the world their most intimate personal and sexual secrets, but count me out thanks!

---In, <punditster@...> wrote:

Good point, Ann. People that post here anonymously are not real people, in the sense that they have any real attributes - it could be and probably is, just all made up avatars or personas. In that they have an advantage over the informants who use their real names. Lot's of people have hidden agendas. Often it's just a result of frustration. Most people want to be heard, to have a voice, any kind of voice, so they can be remembered for at least saying something - being famous for at least one second.

Anonymous respondents are usually, but not always, people that shouldn't even be posting on the internet in the first place. I suspect that many of the secret informants are posting on company time using company computers, or they are up to some other nefarious activities and don't want to be caught. Others who don't want to use their real name may be just trying to hide what they post from their significant other. Go figure.

Hoaxers can also post and say just about anything without taking taking any personal responsibility for what they say. There's very little accountability in some chat rooms and there's not much moderation. That's why so many threads here go down the drain so quickly - human excrement always flows downstream to a lower level.

That's what happened over on Usenet at <alt.meditation.transcendental> - the real honest respondents can't defend themselves very well when attacked by someone they don't even know from Adam. And, in the end, no one really cares what happens on a news group anyway - it's all transient. But, there are a few who take pride in anything they do and that's where it gets interesting for the serious writers; they learn from others no matter what the media.

So, it's really just a game of sorts for people that like to write using plain text. Some people just feel better when they have someone to talk to. I mean, if the chat-room yakkers had anything better to do, they would be doing it, right?

Personal attacks kind of go with the territory. It's fun to make fun of people sometimes - but often some respondents take things much too seriously and get really personal and hold grudges. People that want to post honestly always run the risk of getting slandered and slimmed to no end. But, if it's too hot for some people, then should just get out of the kitchen!

In my case, I've been building up a data base of 10,000 notes that will form my book about spiritual paths (no it won't have anything in it about Judy and Barry). LoL!

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    On 12/1/2013 8:04 PM, awoelflebater@... <mailto:awoelflebater@...>

If people don't even want to give their real names here how do you expect them to want to spill the beans on their own personal deity?!

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