Ah, the joys of avoiding the Copyright Cops in the Land of the Free and
the Home of the Brave. :-) It's been easier for me in both Spain and the
Netherlands, both of which countries wisely decided to never prosecute
individuals pirating material for their own enjoyment (e.g., not for
resale). They realized that the Copyright Cops were clogging their
courts with nuisance suits, so they told them to fuck off. In France,
they're still bowing to the Copyright Cops, but being a nation of film
lovers, most people ignore the restrictions and download what they want
anyway. Pretty much the worst that's going to happen to them is that
they'll get dumped by their current ISP, which in France gives them the
opportunity to change providers, something they otherwise wouldn't be
able to do until their current contract ran out. :-)

Good to hear that at least a few people here have managed to get their
hands on the Bron-Broen series, and thus have been able to follow the
Saga saga. She is one of the most interesting characters I've
encountered in a long time, possibly most interesting because she is
incapable of the overemotion that characterizes so many other
characters. It's her very "flatness" that makes her interesting -- a
completely rational (by necessity) being in a world of irrational

What's most fascinating to me is to see photos of the actress (Sofia
Helin) as Saga:

And then as herself, in roles that allow her to be more of her outgoing,
effervescent self:

It's called "acting." And it's refreshing to see...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ultrarishi  wrote:
> I did watch season 1 of Bron on Youtube on my XBox.  The second season
I torrented since I could not find it on youtube and was not familiar
with using the DailyMotion.  For safety sake, I  use a VPN and download
from some outlet in another country.  Also, I had to wait about 3 days
after I captured the video before someone would upload English
subtitles.  When I had the subs, I then played the files thru VLC, the
greatest video app ever!
>  I get great film and television suggestions from you folks here and
constantly surprise my wife with what I find.  Sometimes, I find
something only I enjoy, like Bron or Luther or Orphan Black.
>  I also had an AVelLinkplayer2 which gave great service for a few
years in spite of its cheap build quality.  Region Free players are a
life saver for the film buff.  I remember ordering The Battle of Britain
on region 2 because the regions 1 disc was mono, whilst the region 2
pressing had the roadshow stereo track.  This was corrected years later
for region 1 represssings, but I had moved on.
>  Since we are cable cutterz, most of what we see non-disc related is
either streamed via UMS to the PS3 or Xbox, or from Amazon Prime and
Netflix on those devices.  Also, I use Windows Media Center with a USB
HDTV stick to record OTA programs (mostly PBS stuff like Nova).

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