hey noozguru, I listened to the Sunshine adagio again. My music education is 
very limited but I think I caught the piano at 2:02. Yes, it's beautiful. But 
what was the instrument that came in around 48 sec? And what was making the 
obvious and rapid beat at 2:48? It didn't sound like any drum that I'm familiar 
with but that's a small group anyway!

I like to write words to melodies like this, attempting to match the feeling 
tone of the melody with the verbal tone of the words.

I'll have to check if our public library has Sunshine. Thanks for rec. 

Well, I've had issues with soundtracks a few times. For example, the official 
soundtrack of Horse Whisperer is not as good, imo, as is the music right off 
the movie itself. 

On Wednesday, December 11, 2013 12:54 PM, Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net> 
The  Adagio is a very simple but beautiful piece.  It reminds me of the works 
of Ralph Vaughn Williams. I get a kick though where the piano comes in because 
it reminds me of Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'".  Murphy is self taught but I 
think I read somewhere that his wife is classically trained.  Hard to say how 
his works come together because according to a neighbor who moved back from 
Hollywood some of these composers write sketches and a staff of orchestrators 
(of which he was one) create the scores. 

There was a funny burp about the "Sunshine" score because a CD
      wasn't available on the films according to licensing snafus.  Lots
      of people love the Adagio though and wanted a copy.  The Adagio is
      also often used on trailers for films where the actual score
      hasn't been finished yet. Here is his web site.  I also note the
      pictures of recording a score at the Bastyr University Chapel in
      Seattle where I played in U of W symphony concerts when it was
      still a church chapel in the 1960s. There are several mixes of the
      Adagio on his site to listen to.

"Sunshine" is a VERY spiritual film and I have it on Bluray.  Of
      course Danny Boyle is no slacker as a film maker either.

On 12/11/2013 04:55 AM, Share Long wrote:

>noozguru, I like the idea as a movie plot basis. Listened to the music piece. 
>Kind of reminded me of the music in 2001 A Space Odyssey.
>On Tuesday, December 10, 2013 12:55 PM, Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net> 
>One of my favorite sci-fi films is "Sunshine" by Danny Boyle.  In that film 
>the Sun is dying and a crew on a space craft is traveling there to launch a 
>nuclear device to re-ignite it.  It's also where John Murphy's "Adagio in D 
>minor" made it's debut.
>On 12/10/2013 04:44 AM, Share Long
>>noozguru, that's definitely a vata vitiating movie. I feel cold just 
>>remembering some of the images in it. Good to watch in the summer. I enjoyed 
>>it though.
>>I'm thinking that humans are a
                                        part of the ecosystem. But maybe
                                        the diseased part!
>>On Monday, December 9, 2013 5:55 PM, Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>>We may be enjoying "The Day After Tomorrow" for real.  Earth has it's own 
>>ecosystem correction mechanism and humans be damned!
>>On 12/09/2013
                                                          02:08 PM,
                                                          Share Long
>>>noozguru, I've definitely gotten more sensitive to the cold as I've gotten 
>>>older. Even though I guess I'm still pure pitta! And of course I sit a lot 
>>>when I'm at the computer so that doesn't help though there's a radiator only 
>>>about 2 feet from the desk. I love to put my gloves on the radiator by the 
>>>front door when I come in. And my socks on the radiator upstairs, especially 
>>>if they've gotten wet. 
>>>Wind chill is definitely a factor in windy FF. The women's Dome is up on a 
>>>ridge and sometimes in the morning, I walk from the parking lot clutching my 
>>>hood tightly on my head. I'm a wimp!
>>>What I notice about Iowa weather is that it's more erratic now, more sudden 
>>>and dramatic changes. and about 20 years ago we had snow on May 1!
>>>On Monday, December 9, 2013 3:46 PM, Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>>>I just got back from my walk which I usually take in the morning but decided 
>>>to wait until it warmed up a bit.  According to local news it is the coldest 
>>>day so far in this cold snap.  It is in the low 40s right now but clear 
>>>skies and sun.  At the house it felt warmer than around the corner at the 
>>>park where apparently a wind was coming down the valley creating a wind 
>>>When I first
                                                          moved here in
                                                          the 1990s the
                                                          only real cold
                                                          days were in
                                                          January and
                                                          might only
                                                          last for a
                                                          week.  Now it
                                                          starts in
                                                          November.  I
                                                          go from shorts
                                                          and a t-shirt,
                                                          skip over the
                                                          warm-up suit
                                                          (mainly wind
                                                          breaker stuff)
                                                          and to the
>>>On 12/09/2013
                                                          12:23 PM,
                                                          Share Long
>>>>noozguru, according to cnn weather it's currently -8 in Fairfield. But the 
>>>>sun is shining so that helps a little. Farmers Almanac, with an 86% 
>>>>accuracy rate, is predicting a winter of piercing cold. But I don't know if 
>>>>that's for all the country or just a portion.
>>>>On Monday, December 9, 2013 2:06 PM, Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net> 
>>>>Enjoying the new ice age? It was down in the mid-20s overnight here. 
>>>>Any below 0's
                                                          on FFL?
>>>>It's been
                                                          almost 10
                                                          years since
                                                          this article
                                                          was posted:
>>>>More or less
                                                          based on local
>>>>And more
                                                          recently the

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