It's really a moot point since there are probably zero E15 pumps in all of
Iowa. And, I don't need no Snopes in order to understand the oil business -
my family has been in the oil business for twenty years and Dad still works
for Ridge Oil up near Graham.

The use of ethanol in automobiles lowers fuel economy because is has a
lower energy content. Ethanol creates more smog than gasoline and it is
more expensive to produce and the production of ethanol increases global
warming emissions. The only beneficiaries of ethanol use are repair
garages. The cost to replace a fuel pump on your car could exceed $1000.

The use of ethanol is in decline and the industry is going bankrupt. The
only reason for ethanol use is by a government mandate. It's just an
outrageous scam by the federal government.

The U.S. is 70% to being fuel and energy independent, thanks to the oil
production at the Bakken and Eagle Ford Shale. Most of U.S. oil imports
come from Canada anyway. The bottom line is, unless you drive a Flex-fuel
auto, avoid the uses of ethanol gasoline if you can.

Before you pump, read the label on the pump!

On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 1:17 PM, <> wrote:

> So you watch Fox News, eh? That could explain a great deal.
> BTW, before freaking out over E15 gas, read this from
> Snopes's verdict is "Mixed"--parts of the E15 scare story are true, parts
> aren't.
> Share warned:
> > in case you don't already know about it:
>  *
> <>*

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