This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except Xeno) takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know.

 Richard trolled:
 << It's a conspiracy by the federal government and political operatives like 
Al Gore to screw the public in order to prevent another green company 
bankruptcy. Judy tried to denigrate Share and the Fox news segment based on her 
political ideology and personal animosity toward Share. Then Judy tried to send 
 us to Snope's to read a "mixed" review. Judy has a problem with telling the 
 Instead of feeding us junk science she should have just reported the truth 
about ethanol. She fibbed and got caught and now she's in denial mode, and 
everyone knows it. Judy's mis-direction could have caused some car owners 
hundreds of dollars in repairs and been cause for their car warranty being 
dishonered. She should be reported to the group owner for posting fibs and 
 The truth is the use of ethanol in automobiles lowers fuel economy because is 
has a lower energy content. Ethanol creates more smog than gasoline and it is 
more expensive to produce and the production of ethanol increases global 
warming emissions. 
 The only beneficiaries of ethanol use are repair garages. The real reason for 
ethanol use is by a government mandate. It's just an outrageous scam by the 
federal government and now Judy is a co-spirator to the scam by not being 
totally truthful.
 Maybe Judy should just keep her pie hole shut about stuff she doesn't know 
anything about and instead of ankle-biting Share at every message she sends, 
just stick to subjects she is willing to be truthful about. Obviously Judy 
can't be trusted anymore, and I'm beginning to think there are lot's of other 
subjects where her information is also suspect. Go figure. >>


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