All you have to do Ann, is refrain from posting prejudiced statements aimed at certain groups of people based on where they live. It's not a crime to be prejudiced, it's just bad form on a discussion board. You already admitted that you've got a strong prejudice - just try to get over it. You don't have to try and shoot the messenger.

On 12/18/2013 8:39 AM, wrote:

Oh, cry me a river, Texas. I don't buy your faux outrage for one eensty beensty second. Go try your lame-brain psychological stumbling bumblings on someone else. Maybe others in Texas fall for this kind of shenanigans but not me.

---In, <punditster@...> wrote:

On 12/16/2013 8:12 PM, awoelflebater@... <mailto:awoelflebater@...> wrote:

    You are not even one eentsy beentsy bit bent out of shape about
    me or anyone else making jokes about Texas.
    Well, Ann, I don't have "prove" anything - this isn't a court of
    law. All I have to do is post an objection, and that should be
    sufficient to get you to refrain from posting remarks denigrating
    my birth circumstances. It's not a crime to make fun of certain
    groups based on their ethnicity - it's just bad form.

    So, there's no need to insinuate that all the people that live in
    Texas eat out at Hardee's in ten-gallon hats. There's not even any
    Hardee's in Texas and people from all over wear hats.

    And, I wouldn't expect Judy to come to my defense - I mean, if she
    called me a "molusk" and a "slimball" just for posting a link to a
    graph in a political discussion, she would hardly be expected to
    back me up for explaining my objections to you stereotyping groups
    of people that just happen to live in the a particular state or

    Judy has not convinced me that she isn't prejudiced against
    conservative people that live in Texas- I think it's more than
    obvious. I mean, why else would she be engaging in all this
    ankle-biting? Judy hates conservatives, that's what I think.

    Here is what Judy said to John Manning when he posted racist
    comments about Jews as a group:

    Subject: Re: Israel and Palestine
    Author: Judy Stein
    Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
    Date: 2002-06-24 07:17:23 PST

    John Manning wrote:
    > Some people are slow to understand or just don't want to. In
    *MY* view
    > any group that usurps others' rights for decades and occupies
    > land, particularly with overwhelmingly superior military capability,
    > is a pile of shit group.
    Had you said in your original comments, "The Israeli
    government is a pile of shit," that would not have
    provoked the accusation of anti-Semitism.

    However, you made your bigoted assertion in terms of
    the Jews as an ethnic/religious group and used the
    words of Jesus to justify it--indicating you believed
    the Jews were a "pile of shit group" all the way back
    to biblical times.

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