Maharishi advised us to go to bed early and rise with the sun. Didn't he say 
something about angels waiting to escort us to dream land? If you missed their 
deadline you were in for a disturbed night spent tossing and turning. 

 But, out there in the real world, whether you prefer to rise early or instead 
opt to stay up late is an important personality marker. This preference is 
known as your *sleep chronotype*. (And God help couples whose chronotypes are 

 As Maharishi was clearly a "lark" but Seraphita is most assuredly an "owl" 
perhaps MMY's advice needs updating. 

 Research has shown that night owls are more likely to demonstrate dark 
personality traits including narcissism and deceitfulness. On a recent thread I 
mentioned some of my favourite movies were classic film noirs like Gilda and 
The Third Man. Judy replied that one of her favourites was the joyous musical 
Oklahoma! I'll wager serious money she's an early riser. 



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