The latest I heard today was that Phil Robertson is sticking by his *guns*, 
saying that he *only quoted the Bible*, LOL!  Here is the crux of the problem, 
He did not quote, rather paraphrased( to the best of his ability, maybe) and 
added vulgar comment and disparaging remarks which most, if not all, television 
programming refuses to air out of good taste or legal reasons. But Phil 
believes he is being attacked for his religious beliefs and his freedom of 
speech is being attacked. It's not his religious beliefs under attack, it's his 
attitude , and the vulgar way he expresses that attitude that is criticized and 
then he hides behind his religion to justify his comments. Phil can not be 
prosecuted for what he said because *congress shall make not law abridging his 
freedom of speech*. However, go into work today and call your boss a MFer and 
just sees what happens , LOL! We are all free to say what we want without fear 
of prosecution but not free of
 the social consequences there after .Your government will not prosecute you 
but your peers may judge you. Cracker Barrel is caught between a rock and a 
hard spot. They will do whatever is profitable to them.

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 6:53 PM, Richard J. Williams 
<> wrote:
This sure didn't take very long!

"Less than 48 hours after Cracker Barrel announced plans to pull
      Duck Dynasty items off its shelves in the wake of cast member Phil
      Robertson's anti-gay comments, the Southern country store and
      restaurant chain has reversed its decision."

On 12/21/2013 8:31 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
>I clicked on the Duck Commander website and brought up duck calls and listened 
>to them. My female Peregrine falcon(wild caught) was bathing behind me and 
>every time the Robertson's made a call, she would look up and around, I'm sure 
>wondering where the duck was. I didn't fly her that day. I guess I should 
>have! My dog is enchanted by the call as well. 
>On Friday, December 20, 2013 6:06 PM, Richard Williams 
> wrote:
>It looks like business is booming at the Duck Commander Headquarters. I mean 
>it's not like nobody knew about the Robertson family before the GQ interview - 
>a family of duck hunters all dressed in camo and praying at the dinner table 
>and reading from a Bible and quoting scripture. What was A&E thinking - 
>obviously they were thinking about money.  
>According to Forbes, the Duck Dynasty is worth more than $400 million bucks. 
>Hey, for that kind of money I'd make a few duck calls and thump on a Bible 
>too! It's a reality TV show for pete's sake!
>Phil Robertson is laughing all the way to the bank! 
>'Walmart sells out of Duck Dynasty merchandise' 
>Mail Online: 

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