I am glad to hear that you are listening to the great bhajans sung by my
old pal Krishna Das. He is indeed an amazing artist.

Speaking of Das, you might recall from one of my previous post that several
of us became students of Neem Karoli Baba in the late sixties. My old pal
Bhagavan Das and I visited the Baba shortly after we departed Rishikesh.
Later, Bhagavan Das introduced Richard Alpert to the Baba, and Alpert
became Ram Das, who wrote "Be Here Now."

Jeffrey Miller became Surya Das about this time. Another pal of mine from
Texas, Charan Das, also has many interesting observations concerning the
Baba. If you are interested in learning more about the type of Bhajan
chanting in this tradition you might consider reading the book by Bhagavan
Das called "It's Here Now. Are You?" in which Bhagavan Das (Michael Riggs)
relates some amazing experiencies on his journeys in India. Surya Das has
several books in print and you can read about Charan Das, the 'Sadhu from
Texas' by Anne Cushman, at Salon.

[image: Inline image 1]

Krishna Das - Pilgrim Heart - Live Kirtan

"The book is an intriguing portrait of what it was like to be right in the
middle of it. The real gurus, the fake gurus, the zealous devotees, the
drugs, the sex, the confusion.

In India he studied with several famous teachers and when he gets back to
America, Allen Ginsberg, Alan Watts (who was apparently a notorious drunk!)
and Ram Dass, among others are constantly floating in and out of his life.
It is also an interesting to see how he dealt with his unwanted fame..."

'It's Here Now (Are You?)'
By Bhagavan Das
Broadway, 1998
Amazon reviews:

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 8:55 PM, <yifux...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzTGSITIckw

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