On 12/31/2013 9:56 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 > Just so Richard doesn't confuse you, Seraphita, there's been no
 > dispute about Mary M. having been the first to see the risen
 > Christ according to Matthew, Mark, and John.
Maybe Judy should take it up with Wikipedia.

"In listing witnesses who saw where Jesus was buried by Joseph of 
Aramathea, Mark 15:47 and Matthew 27:61 both name only two people: Mary 
Magdalene and "the other Mary", who in Mark is "the mother of James". 
Luke 23:55 describes the witnesses as "the women who had come with Jesus 
from Galilee". John 19:39-42 mentions no other witness to Joseph's 
burial of Jesus except for Nicodemus. Mark 16:1 says "...Mary Magdalene, 
Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go 
to anoint Jesus’ body". The connection with the earlier Anointing of 
Jesus, and his remarks then, was one of the arguments used in favour of 
the "composite Magdalen"


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