On 1/3/2014 10:25 AM, Share Long wrote:

 > Mary M did not see the actual moment that Jesus returned to life,
 > the resurrection.
There actually two parts to the resurrection of Jesus. The first part is 
rising the physical body from the dead. Probably only some angels saw 
that who were inside the tomb. But, the second phase of the resurrection 
is the spiritual resurrection, when Jesus flew up to sit with his Father 
in heaven. I'm pretty sure Mary saw him fly up and disappear - it would 
be hard to miss something supernatural like that, right in the middle of 
a conversation with the risen Lord.

John 20:17: "Do not hold on to Me, for I have not yet returned to the 
Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my 
Father and your Father, to My God and your God."

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