John, for some strange reason there are many Libra ascendents so lots of people 
with Guru transiting the 9th house right now. Maybe why FFL is having such 
lively discussions about religious topics (-:

Getting ready for the arctic vortex...

On Friday, January 3, 2014 9:39 PM, "" <> wrote:

There is a treasure trove of information in the night sky.  It's a mystery to 
me how the ancient astrologers were able to map the skies to come up with the 
zodiac signs and their meanings.

Yes, Jupiter, the great benefic is now transiting right in between Castor and 
Pollux, the twins in Gemini.  As I recall, this sign is the 9th house of your 
jyotish chart.  So, at this time, Jupiter  should be good for meditation, 
knowledge and spiritual insights for you.

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